
Installs rexray docker plugin to nodes in cluster

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Rexray Plugin Installer

Docker image with embedded shell script to install or update Rexray plug-in to nodes in Docker Swarm Clusters

Currently only rexray/dobs and rexray/s3fs plug-ins are supported. Support for other rexray plug-ins to be included later.


install-plugin.sh --driver <plugin> [--version <plugin-version>] [--update] DRIVER-OPTIONS

--driver <plugin> Mandatory Rexray plugin driver. Currently only dobs and s3fs are supported.

--version <plugin-version> Optional The plug-in version tag to installed. Can be either latest or specific tag like 0.11.4

--update Optional Force Update installed plug-in irrespective of plug-in version installed

rexray/dobs Driver Options

--do-secret <do_token_secret> Mandatory Docker secret holding the DigitalOcean Access Token to be used to set DOBS_TOKEN. Do not use the actual API Token. It is assumed that the secret is mounted in the default location /run/secrets/<do_token_secret>

--do-region <do_region> Mandatory Set DOBS_REGION - The region where volumes should be created. Example : blr1, fra1, nyc3, etc.

--do-convert-underscore Optional Set DOBS_CONVERTUNDERSCORES to true

--do-init-delay <time> Optional Set DOBS_STATUSINITIALDELAY - Time duration used to wait when polling volume status

--do-max-attempts <count> Optional Set DOBS_STATUSMAXATTEMPTS - Number of times the status of a volume will be queried before giving up

--do-status-timeout <time> Optional Set DOBS_STATUSTIMEOUT - Maximum length of time that polling for volume status can occur

--http-proxy <proxy_endpoint> Optional Set HTTP_PROXY - Address of HTTP proxy server to gain access to API endpoint

rexray/s3fs Driver Options

--aws-accesskey-secret <s3_accesskey_secret> Mandatory Docker Secret holding the AWS Access Key ID to be used to set S3FS_ACCESSKEY. Do not use the actual API Token. It is assumed that the secret is mounted in the default location /run/secrets/<s3_accesskey_secret>

--aws-secretkey-secret <s3_secretkey_secret> Mandatory Docker Secret holding the AWS Secret Access Key to be used to set S3FS_SECRETKEY. Do not use the actual API Token. It is assumed that the secret is mounted in the default location /run/secrets/<s3_secretkey_secret>

--s3-disable-pathstyle Optional Set S3FS_DISABLEPATHSTYLE to true

--s3-max-retry <count> Optional Set S3FS_MAXRETRIES - The number of retries that will be made for failed operations by the AWS SDK

--s3-region <s3_region> Optional Set S3FS_REGION - The AWS region. Example : ap-south-1, ap-east-1, us-east-2, etc.

--s3-options <s3_options> Optional Set S3FS_OPTION - Additional options to pass to S3FS

--http-proxy <proxy_endpoint> Optional Set HTTP_PROXY - Address of HTTP proxy server to gain access to API endpoint

$ ./install-plugin.sh --help

Usage: install-plugin.sh --driver <plugin> [--version <plugin-version>] [--update] DRIVER-OPTIONS

  dobs    DigitalOcean Block Storage
  s3fs    AWS S3

  --do-secret <do_token_secret>   Docker Secret containing DigitalOcean Access Token to be used to set DOBS_TOKEN
  --do-region <do_region>         Set DOBS_REGION - The region where volumes should be created
  [--do-convert-underscore]       Set DOBS_CONVERTUNDERSCORES to true
  [--do-init-delay <time>]        Set DOBS_STATUSINITIALDELAY - Time duration used to wait when polling volume status
  [--do-max-attempts <count>]     Set DOBS_STATUSMAXATTEMPTS - Number of times the status of a volume will be queried before giving up
  [--do-status-timeout <time>]    Set DOBS_STATUSTIMEOUT - Maximum length of time that polling for volume status can occur
  [--http-proxy <proxy_endpoint>] Set HTTP_PROXY - Address of HTTP proxy server to gain access to API endpoint

  --aws-accesskey-secret <s3_accesskey_secret>    Docker Secret container AWS Access Key to be used to set S3FS_ACCESSKEY
  --aws-secretkey-secret <s3_secretkey_secret>    Docker Secret container AWS Secret Key to be used to set S3FS_SECRETKEY
  [--s3-disable-pathstyle]                        Set S3FS_DISABLEPATHSTYLE to true
  [--s3-max-retry <count>]                        Set S3FS_MAXRETRIES - The number of retries that will be made for failed operations by the AWS SDK
  [--s3-region <s3_region>]                       Set S3FS_REGION - The AWS region
  [--s3-options <s3_options>]                     Set S3FS_OPTION - Additional options to pass to S3FS
  [--http-proxy <proxy_endpoint>]                 Set HTTP_PROXY - Address of HTTP proxy server to gain access to API endpoint

Sample Stack

version: "3.8"

    image: "kaustavb12/rexray-plugin-installer"
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - rexray_do_token
    command: sh -c "./install-plugin.sh --driver dobs --version 0.11.4 --do-secret rexray_do_token --do-region blr1 --do-convert-underscore"
      mode: global
        condition: on-failure

    external: true

Script Behaviour

  1. If no version using the --version option is provided, the script installs plug-in using latest tag to nodes where plug-in is not already installed. If plug-in is already installed, then no action is taken.

  2. If latest is provided as version --version latest, the script installs plug-in using latest tag to nodes. If plug-in is already installed, script updates the plug-in with latest tag.

  3. If specific version is provided --version 0.11.4, the script installs plug-in using that specific tag to nodes. If plug-in is already installed, script checks the tag of the installed plug-in. If the installed tag does not match the provided tag (including installed tag being latest), then the plug-in is updated using the provided tag.

  4. If force update option --update is used, the script updates plug-in already installed irrespective of the installed tag and provided tag. If plug-in is not already installed, then it is installed with appropriate tag. This is useful if any driver options need to be updated without changing the version tag.

NOTE: To update an already installed plug-in, the plug-in is first removed and then re-installed with appropriate tag and options.