
A delightful toolkit for building Node-powered CLIs.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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gluegun is a lightweight toolkit for building command-line interfaces (CLIs), with support for:

🌯 parameters - command line arguments and options
🎛 template - generating files from templates
🗄 patching - manipulating file contents
💾 filesystem - moving files and directories around
system - executing other command-line scripts
🎅 http - interacting with API servers
🛎 prompt - auto-complete prompts
💃 print - printing pretty colors and tables
👩‍✈️ semver - working with semantic versioning
🎻 strings - manipulating strings & template data

In addition, gluegun supports expanding your CLI's ecosystem with a robust set of easy-to-write plugins and extensions.

Yeah, But Why?

If you want to have your CLI...

  • get built quickly
  • have plugin support
  • but skip the boring parts of developing it
  • and avoid large CLI libraries that want to take over your world

... welcome!

Quick Start

Just run the gluegun CLI like this:

$ npm install -g gluegun@next
$ gluegun new movies
$ cd movies
$ npm install
$ npm link
$ movies help

You should see your new CLI help. Open the folder in your favorite editor and start building your CLI!

Tip: If you want your CLI to use TypeScript, pass in --typescript


Let's start with what a gluegun CLI looks like.

// in movie/src/cli.js...

// ready
const { build } = require('gluegun')

// aim
const movieCLI = build('movie')
  .plugins('node_modules', { matching: 'movie-*' })

// fire!


Commands are simple objects that provide a name, optional aliases, and a function to run.

// in movie/commands/foo.js
module.exports = {
  name: 'foo',
  alias: 'f',
  run: async function(toolbox) {
    // gluegun provides all these features and more!
    const { system, print, filesystem, strings } = toolbox

    // ...and be the CLI you wish to see in the world
    const awesome = strings.trim(system.run('whoami'))
    const moreAwesome = strings.kebabCase(`${awesome} and a keyboard`)
    const contents = `🚨 Warning! ${moreAwesome} coming thru! 🚨`
    const home = process.env['HOME']
    filesystem.write(`${home}/realtalk.json`, { contents })

    print.info(`${print.checkmark} Citius`)
    print.warning(`${print.checkmark} Altius`)
    print.success(`${print.checkmark} Fortius`)

See the toolbox api docs for more details on what you can do.

See the runtime docs for more details on building your own CLI and join us in the #gluegun channel of the Infinite Red Community Slack (community.infinite.red) to get friendly help!

Who Is Using This?

  • Ignite - React Native Starter Kit
  • Solidarity - audits your system dependencies so you can develop in peace
  • AppMachine - closed source for now (still building) - tool for helping code generate apps

What's under the hood?

We've assembled an all star cast of libraries to help you build your CLI.

⭐️ ejs for templating
⭐️ semver for version investigations
⭐️ fs-jetpack for the filesystem
⭐️ yargs-parser, enquirer, colors, ora and cli-table3 for the command line
⭐️ axios & apisauce for web & apis
⭐️ cosmiconfig for flexible configuration
⭐️ cross-spawn for running sub-commands
⭐️ execa for running more sub-commands
⭐️ node-which for finding executables
⭐️ pluralize for manipulating strings

Node Node.js 7.6+ is required.


Gluegun is sponsored by Infinite Red, a premium custom mobile app and web design and development agency. We are a team of designers and developers distributed across the USA and based out of Portland, Oregon and the San Francisco Bay Area. Our specialties are UI/UX design, React Native, React, and Elixir. Email hello@infinite.red if you'd like to talk about your project!