
This repository is used to understand functioning of github actions. The code shared is simply for demo purpose. However the repository contains the complete process of using github actions, CD/CI workflow and pushing a project to pipy automatically using tagged commits.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains a small collection of utility functions.

Upload-Python-Package tests PyPI version

Installing the library in colab

!git clone https://github.com/kaustubh-sadekar/dlutils.git
!sudo python3 dlutils/setup.py install

Example code for testing in colab

import sys
import kdlutils
input_dim = (1,600,800)
layersList = [{'conv':(1,7,3,1,1,1)},{'mp':(2,2,0,1)},{'conv':(7,14,3,1,1,1)},{'mp':(2,2,0,1)},{'conv':(14,30,3,1,1,1)},{'mp':(2,2,0,1)}]
out = kdlutils.kdlutils.getOutShape(input_dim,layersList)

Documentation and new codes will be uploaded soon.


  1. The setup.py file and theREADME.rst files are written based on this blog. It is a great reference for anyone trying to their package 'pip installable'

  2. Link to python documentation section related to packaging.

  3. Link to python documentation section related to pipy friendly README.

  4. Link to python documentation section related to packaging using GiHhubActions.

  5. Similar link.

  6. link to the PiPy package

  7. Link to a useful video tutorial related to CI CD Github Actions

To do

  • Write a tutorial.md file explaining the process
  • Share useful links
  • Share link of Pipy package