This Python script generates random combinations of products based on a given total price. It then writes these combinations to specific fields in an Excel template.
The script starts with a dictionary of products, where the keys are product names and the values are product prices. It then asks the user to input a total price.
The script generates combinations of products such that their total price is less than or equal to the user's input. It does this by randomly selecting a product and subtracting its price from the total price. This process is repeated until the total price is less than the minimum product price.
The combinations of products are stored in a list, which is then converted to a pandas DataFrame. The DataFrame is written to an Excel file, with the product names, prices, and counts written to specific fields in the Excel template.
The script begins by importing the necessary libraries and defining a list of products with their names, prices, and weights.
import pandas as pd import operator
products = [ {'name': 'اکسیدان', 'price': 95871, 'weight': 40}, {'name': 'ژل مو', 'price': 268814, 'weight': 20}, {'name': 'ماسک مو', 'price': 907951, 'weight': 10}, {'name': 'واکس مو', 'price': 349019, 'weight': 7}, {'name': 'شامپو رنگ', 'price': 699918, 'weight': 5}, {'name': 'نرم کننده مو', 'price': 323955, 'weight': 5}, {'name': 'کرم دست و صورت', 'price': 323955, 'weight': 5}, {'name': 'شامپو', 'price': 256282, 'weight': 3}, {'name': 'شیر مو', 'price': 681120, 'weight': 3}, {'name': 'بلک ماسک', 'price': 430478, 'weight': 1}, {'name': 'ریممور', 'price': 828398, 'weight': 0.5}, {'name': 'رنگ مو', 'price': 231217, 'weight': 0.5}, ]
products = sorted(products, key=operator.itemgetter('price'))
total_price = int(input("Enter the total price: "))
xlsx_name = "combination"+str(total_price/10000000)+".xlsx" combinations = []
total_weight = 0 for product in products: total_weight += product['weight']
total_weights = total_price/total_weight; for product in products: # For each product product_share = total_weights*product['weight'] product_count = int(product_share/product['price'])
# If max_count is 0, continue with the next product
if product_count == 0:
# Subtract the total cost of these products from the total price
total_price -= product['price'] * product_count
# Add the combination to the list
combinations.append({'name': product['name'], 'price': product['price'], 'count': product_count, 'total_price': product['price']*product_count})
If the total price for this combination is greater than the minimum product price, add it to the combinations
for combination in combinations: if total_price > combination['price']: product_count = int(total_price/combination['price']) total_price -= combination['price'] * product_count product_count += combination['count'] new_combination = {'name': combination['name'], 'price': combination['price'], 'count': product_count, 'total_price': combination['price']*product_count} combination.update(new_combination)
if total_price > 0: combinations.append({'name': 'تخفیف', 'price': total_price, 'count': 1, 'total_price':total_price})
for combination in combinations: print(combination)
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(combinations)
df = df.rename(columns={ 'Product': 'sstt شرح کالا / خدمت', 'Price': 'fee مبلغ واحد', 'Count': 'am تعداد / مقدار', 'Total Price': 'مجموع کل', })
columns = ['sstt شرح کالا / خدمت', 'fee مبلغ واحد', 'am تعداد / مقدار','مجموع کل']
df.to_excel(xlsx_name, index=False)
- Ensure that you have the required Python libraries installed. You can install them with pip:
bash pip install pandas openpyxl
- Run the script:
bash python
When prompted, enter the total price.
The script will generate the product combinations and write them to an Excel file at the specified path.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.