- alicanipek
- armintodevPayman
- asiryanArmenia, Yerevan
- azell
- azhaiShenzhen China
- bvpRussia, Yaroslavl'
- chuprikFounder at @StrongSquirrel
- claudiodangelisParis, France
- darkdarkfruit
- exarothKynd
- ggouziParis, France
- gronpipmaster
- hinamizawa
- iwctwbaiEOTS
- jannson@linkease
- jqzi
- liuliuhappy
- MalukiMuthusiNairobi
- mxschmitt@Microsoft
- nathanhack
- nouseRetailNext
- old101
- quaintdev
- roylee0704Bangkok, Thailand
- ryanlatterellDownload a bitcoin wallet and email me or something if you really want to patronize my work. I'm not on here much
- superobserver
- tarun2502
- udhosSão Paulo, Brazil