Git Assignments

This assignment will review what we've learned on day 1 of git. To complete the assignment, you will need to get git set up, and perform some of the tasks that were taught in class.

Configure git

Use the following commands to configure your identity on git. This makes sure your commits have the right name. $ git config --global "John Doe"
$ git config --global

Clone the assignment repository

Clone down the assignment repository $


Answer the questions in Answer each question in a separate commit. Follow the steps below for each commit. 1.Make changes to your files.
2.see if the file change is detected with git status.
3.see if the correct changes are detected with git diff.
4.stage the changes with git add .
5.check that the add did what you expected with git status.
6.check git diff again to make sure it no longer shows changes.
7.check git diff --cached to show the changes you have staged.
8.make the commit with git commit.
9.Write a meaningful commit message (e.g. "Answers question 1").
10.check that your working directory is clean with git status.
11.check that your commit succeeded as expected with git log (you should see your latest commit message on top).

Push your code up to a github repository.
Before you push up your code to your new repository, you will need to remove the reference to my repository with:
$ git remote rm origin