
This repository consists of my emacs configuration

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Kavin’s Emacs Configuration

  • This repo contains my emacs configuration which I have been working on with references from

System Crafters Emacs From Scratch playlist

Installing Emacs in MacOS

brew install emacs

Using this Configuration


mv ~/.emacs.d ~/.emacs.bck.d && git clone https://github.com/kavin25/emacs_config.git ~/.emacs.d

Opening Emacs


Editing this Configuration

All Edits should be made in the Emacs.org file. When saved, the init.el file will automatically be updated. If wanting to see changes everytime, make sure to run

M-x auto-revert-mode


Please create any issues, if any found, in the Issues section


Please feel free to contribute to this repository using the following steps:

  • Fork this repository
  • Make a new branch
  • Commit changes and push the branch to your forked repository
  • Make a Pull request and make sure to give detailed description and Screenshots on the feature