
Infotsav 2020 website created as a part of Webkriti contest.

Primary LanguageCSS

Webkriti-Infotsav 2020


This project has been created under the Webkriti contest of AASF. It is a technical festival website of INFOTSAV 2020.


  1. Easily accesible UI The website has a very easily accessible UI that is based on HTML, CSS nd JS.
  2. Login/Register We have created a register page that on registeraion provides the user with an Infotsav Id that is unique to a user.
  3. Events Events have been shown by a slideshow which is very convenient.
  4. Separate Event Registeration Event registeration is separate and a person can register by just entering the Infotsav Id.
  5. Forgot Password


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vGfTsD0_uO3bCeaMm6K06IkoajHnMPfk/view?usp=sharing - automatic!



Hosted Website Link

https://ancient-sands-23667.herokuapp.com - automatic!