
Simple chat application using React, Spring Boot, WebSocket and Docker

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple Chat-App using ReactJS, STOMP, Java SprintBoot with H2-Database containerized in Docker.


  • Docker

Run the application

  1. docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml build to build the containers
  2. docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d to run the containers
  3. (http://localhost:3000) to access the application


docker-compose [-f docker-compose.prod.yml] build to build the containers [in production mode]
docker-compose [-f docker-compose.prod.yml] up [-d] to start up the [production] containers [in detached mode]
docker-compose down to tier down the containers
Further commands can be found on the official Docker documentation website


"docker-compose.yml" containing Docker config for development mode "docker-compose.prod.yml" containing Docker config for production mode

Open Points / Next Steps

  • Analyze Web-Security of the application in detail and take necessary actions
  • Show connection errors in UI
  • Simplify & optimize Docker configuration, eg. adding a .dockerignore file

Choices of Technology


Dependency Reason Identified Risks
Java Backend Technology as preferred in challenge description
SpringBoot Efficiently create Controller, Services and Repository Lots of hidden magic
SpringSecurity Handle general security incl. CORS
H2-Database Most simple in memory database
Mockito Simplifying mocking of test classes Inappropriate usage can facilitate violation of SOLID
JUnit5 To test the application


Dependency Reason Identified Risks
React Efficiently develop Frontend application Lacking support for very old browser versions
Material-UI Efficient creation of a good-looking, responsive design Big UI-framework (decreasing app performance)
Cross-Fetch To communicate with Backend using REST
STOMP.js To communicate with Backend using STOMP
SockJS To communicate with Backend using STOMP
Moment Transforming dates - Do not reinvent the wheel Rather large library, given that there is only one use case so far
Jest To test the application