
This project helps to play the Widevine DRM-protected video in Android ExoPlayer. Check Quick Guide: Integrating Widevine DRM In ExoPlayer For Android blog for more details.

To play the DRM-protected video in ExoPlayer, you will require the below URLs from the backend setup:

  1. Manifest URL (Media file URL)
  2. Widevine license URL
  3. JWT token (A way of authorizing users who make a decryption key request)

Update WIDEVINE_URL, URL & jwtToken fields in PlayerActivity with required data.

DRM setup in Android ExoPlayer:

  1. Add ExoPlayer dependency in build.gradle:

    implementation 'com.google.android.exoplayer:exoplayer:2.10.1'
  2. Add PlayerView in the layout:

       android:layout_height="match_parent" />
  3. ExoPlayer supports different streaming methods, including MPEG-DASH, HLS, SmoothStreaming. As I'm performing DASH implementation in the project, hence I need to use DashMediaSource class and pass the manifestURL.

    MediaSourceFactory mediaSrcFactory = new DashMediaSource.Factory(this::newDefaultHttpDataSource);
    MediaSource targetMediaSource = mediaSrcFactory.createMediaSource(manifestURL);
  4. Before creating a media source we need to instantiate HttpMediaDrmCallback by adding the widevineURL in its constructor. HttpMediaDrmCallback helps to perform the Widevine license exchange.

    HttpMediaDrmCallback mediaDrmCallback = new HttpMediaDrmCallback(widevineURL, new DefaultHttpDataSourceFactory(userAgentString));
    DrmSessionManager drmSessionManager = new DefaultDrmSessionManager.Builder().build(mediaDrmCallback);
  5. The license server needs an authentication token before issuing the license. Hence while requesting a DRM license, we need to append the token authorization header in the request. Here I will be sending the jwtToken in the request with the help of HttpMediaDrmCallback instance.

    mediaDrmCallback.setKeyRequestProperty("Authorization", "Bearer="+jwtToken);

That's it! Run the code and watch the DRM-protected video in the native ExoPlayer.