
Lazyload your images. IE7+, FF, Chrome.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Lazy load your images. Tested on IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, iOS. Supports handling of images that are placed in the DOM after ajax requests or images that are made visible after the page loads.



  1. Include lazyload.js

  2. Add data-src to each of your <img> tags. Optionally add a placeholder src, and the lazy-load class, however it is not necessary but can be used to animate the images.

<img class="lazy-load" data-src="lazy.jpg" src="blank.gif" />
<noscript><img src="lazy.jpg" /></noscript>
  1. Call lazy.init() after images are ready in the DOM. This method adds all images with the data-src attribute to a cache and lazy.load()'s them if the image .is(':visible')

  2. If images are initially not visible, you can call lazy.load() when they become visiible.