This file is meant to contain up-to-date information about MTP stack & its dependencies ---------------------------------------------- It Contains the following sections 1. Running the stack in device 2. GadgetFS ----------------------------------------------- 1. Running the stack in device ------------------------------ When running the test application in the device run: source /tmp/session_bus_address.user Otherwise it will crash. 2. GadgetFS ---------------------------- Here's the full procedure to build the gadgetfs module: $ apt-get source kernel-source $ cd kernel-<version> $ make -C /usr/src/kernel-headers CONFIG_USB_GADGETFS=m M=`pwd`/drivers/usb/gad$ The result is drivers/usb/gadget/gadgetfs.ko Copy this file to the device to /lib/modules/current/ Type 'depmod -a' Type 'lsof | grep ttyG may help' Kill all processes which are displayed. Then type lsof etc. again. If there are some processed displayed rename /lib/modules/current/g_nokia to something else and kill the process again. Do 'mkdir dev/gadget' 'rmmod g_nokia' 'rmmod g_file_storage' 'modprobe gadgetfs' 'mount -t gadgetfs none /dev/gadget'