
IBM Hyper Protect Crypto Services..https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/terraform?topic=terraform-kms-resources#hpcs-key-sample

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Managing HPCS Service Instances using Terraform Modules

This is a collection of modules that make it easier to provision and manage HPCS Instance IBM Cloud Platform:

HPCS Initialisation Architecture

HPCS Architecture The figure above depicts the basic architecture of the IBM Cloud HPCS Init Terraform Automation. The main components are..

  • COS Bucket: HPCS Crypto unit credentials that stored in a Bucket as a json file will be taken as an input by hpcs-init terraform module and the secret tke-files that are obtained after execution of template will be stored back as zip file in cos bucket.
  • Terraform: Reads the terraform configuration files and templates, execute the plan, and communicate with the plugins, manages the resource state and .tfstate file after apply.
  • IBM Cloud TKE Plugin: The Python script that automates the initialisation process uses IBM CLOUD TKE Plugin

Terraform versions

Terraform 0.13.


Full example is in main.tf

To run this example you need to execute:

$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply

Run terraform destroy when you don't need these resources. This command zeroises the cryptounit.. to remove master keys and signature keys, Use following commands respectively ibmcloud tke mk-rm , ibmcloud tke sigkey-rm Please refer ibmcloud tke help for more info.

Example Usage

Provision HPCS Instance

module "ibm-hpcs-instance" {
  source = "../../modules/ibm-hpcs-instance"
  resource_group_id      = data.ibm_resource_group.resource_group.id
  service_name           = var.service_name
  region                 = var.region
  plan                   = var.plan
  tags                   = var.tags
  service_endpoints      = var.service_endpoints
  number_of_crypto_units = var.number_of_crypto_units

Initialize HPCS Instance

module "hpcs_init" {
  source             = "../../modules/ibm-hpcs-initialisation/hpcs-init"
  tke_files_path     = var.tke_files_path
  input_file_name    = var.input_file_name
  hpcs_instance_guid = data.ibm_resource_instance.hpcs_instance.guid

Manage HPCS Keys

Note: To Manage Keys, Instance should be Initialized..

module "ibm-hpcs-kms-key" {
  source           = "../../modules/ibm-hpcs-kms-key/"
  instance_id      = data.ibm_resource_instance.hpcs_instance.guid
  name             = var.name
  standard_key     = var.standard_key
  force_delete     = var.force_delete
  endpoint_type    = var.endpoint_type
  key_material     = var.key_material
  encrypted_nonce  = var.encrypted_nonce
  iv_value         = var.iv_value
  expiration_date  = var.expiration_date


Name Version
terraform ~> 0.13
OS Mac/Linux
python ~> 3.5
pip should supports python 3


Name Version
ibm n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
service_name A descriptive name used to identify the resource instance string n/a yes
plan The name of the plan type supported by service. string n/a yes
region Target location or environment to create the resource instance string n/a yes
resource_group_name Name of the resource group string n/a yes
tags Tags for the database set n/a no
service_endpoints Types of the service endpoints. string n/a no
number_of_crypto_units Number of Crypto Units to be attached to instance string n/a no
api_key Api key of the COS bucket. string n/a no
cos_crn COS instance CRN. string n/a no
endpoint COS endpoint. string n/a no
bucket_name COS bucket name. string n/a no
input_file_name Input json file name that is present in the cos-bucket or in the local. string n/a yes
tke_files_path Path to which tke files has to be exported. string n/a yes
key_name Name of the key. string n/a yes
name Name of the Key string n/a no
standard_key Determines if it has to be a standard key or root key bool false no
force_delete Determines if it has to be force deleted bool false no
endpoint_type public or private string public no
key_material Key Payload. string n/a no
encrypted_nonce Encrypted Nonce. Only for imported root key. string n/a no
iv_value IV Value. Only for imported root key. string n/a no
expiration_date Expination Date. string n/a no


  • COS Credententials are required when download_from_cos and upload_to_cos null resources are used
  • Cloud TKE Files will be downloaded at tke_files_path+ < GUID of the Service Instance >_tkefiles. To perform any operation after initialisation on tkefiles outside terraform CLOUDTKEFILES should be exported to above mentioned path

Pre-Requisites for Initialisation:

  • python version 3.5 and above
  • pip version 3 and above
  pip install pexpect
  • ibm-cos-sdk package is required if initialisation is performed using objeck storage example..
pip install ibm-cos-sdk
  • Login to IBM Cloud Account using cli
ibmcloud login --apikey `<XXXYourAPIKEYXXXXX>` -r `<region>` -g `<resource_group>` -a `< cloud endpoint>
  • Generate oauth-tokens ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens. This step should be done as and when token expires.
  • To install tke plugin ibmcloud plugin install tke. find more info on tke plugin here

Pre-commit Hooks

Run the following command to execute the pre-commit hooks defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml file

pre-commit run -a

We can install pre-coomit tool using

pip install pre-commit

Notes On Initialization:

  • The current script adds only one signature key admin.
  • The signature key associated with the Admin name given in the json file will be selected as the current signature key.
  • If number of master keys added is more than three, Master key registry will be loaded, commited and setimmidiate with last three added master keys.
  • Please find the example json here.
  • Input can be fed in two ways either through local or through IBM Cloud Object Storage
  • The input file is download from the cos bucket using download_from_cos null resource
  • Secret TKE Files that are obtained after initialisation can be stored back in the COS Bucket as a Zip File using upload_to_cosnull resource
  • After uploading zip file to COS Bucket all the secret files and input file can be deleted from the local machine using remove_tke_files null resource.

Future Enhancements:

  • Automation of Pre-Requisites.
  • Capability to add and select one or more admin.
  • Integration with Hashicorp vault.