
Primary LanguageJavaScript


1. Introduction:

Overview of the project and its objectives.

Objectives: To replicate the functionalities of Quora while adding enhancements such as user authentication, upvoting, image/video uploads, OAuth login, caching, and queuing.

2. Features Implemented:

List of features including basic functionalities and additional features. Basic functionalities:

  • User registration and login.
  • Posting questions and answering questions. Additional features:
  • Upvoting questions.
  • User leadership based on ratings.
  • Image/video uploads with content moderation.
  • OAuth login with Google and LinkedIn.

3. Technologies Used:

Description of technologies used.

MERN stack:

  • MongoDB for database management.
  • Express.js for backend development.
  • React.js for frontend development.
  • Node.js for server-side scripting. Additional technologies:
  • Redis for caching frequently accessed data.
  • RabbitMQ for queuing tasks such as sending email notifications.

4. Architecture:

Overview of the application architecture. Backend:

  • Express.js server handling routes and business logic.
  • MongoDB for data storage.
  • Redis for caching.
  • RabbitMQ for queuing. Frontend:
  • React.js components for user interface.

5. Implementation Details:

Details of key implementation aspects.

User authentication:

  • Implemented OAuth login with Google and LinkedIn. Upvoting functionality:
  • Implemented upvoting for questions using MongoDB updates. Content moderation:
  • Implemented middleware for content moderation of image/video uploads.

6. Challenges Faced:

Description of challenges encountered during development and how they were addressed.

Challenges such as integrating OAuth login with multiple providers, implementing content moderation, managing caching and queuing alongside the main application logic. Solutions applied to overcome these challenges.

7. Future Enhancements:

Ideas for future enhancements and improvements.

  • Real-time notifications for upvotes and new answers.
  • Advanced user analytics and recommendation systems.
  • Improved content moderation algorithms.

8. Conclusion:

Summary of the project and key takeaways. Successfully developed a Quora clone with added features meeting project objectives. Highlight the importance of thorough planning, testing, and continuous improvement.

1. Setup Development Environment:

  • Install Node.js, npm, MongoDB, Redis, and RabbitMQ.
  • Set up a code editor like Visual Studio Code.

2. Initialize Your Project:

  • Create a new directory for your project.
  • Initialize a new Node.js project using npm.
  • Install necessary dependencies: Express.js, React.js, MongoDB driver, Redis client, RabbitMQ client, etc.

3. Backend Development (Node.js/Express.js):

  • Set up Express.js as the backend framework.
  • Implement user authentication using OAuth with Google and LinkedIn.
  • Design MongoDB schemas for users, questions, answers, and ratings.
  • Create routes for CRUD operations for questions, answers, and users.
  • Implement upvoting functionality for questions.
  • Integrate Redis for caching frequently accessed data.

4. Frontend Development (React.js):

  • Set up React.js as the frontend framework.
  • Design UI components for user authentication, question pages, user profiles, etc.
  • Implement UI for uploading images and videos.
  • Fetch and display questions, answers, and user profiles from the backend.
  • Handle user interactions such as upvoting questions.

5. Security:

  • Implement middleware for preventing abusive and pornographic content.
  • Use HTTPS to encrypt data transmission.
  1. Database Schema Design:
  • Design MongoDB schemas considering relationships between different data models.

7. Additional Features:

  • Implement user leadership based on ratings.
  • Integrate RabbitMQ for queuing tasks like sending email notifications.

8. Testing and Debugging:

  • Test backend and frontend components thoroughly.
  • Debug issues using browser developer tools and server-side logging.

9. Deployment:

  • Choose a hosting provider and deploy your application.
  • Set up CI/CD pipeline for automated deployment.

10.Image and Video Storage with AWS S3:

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is a highly scalable object storage service offered by AWS. Here's how you can use S3 for storing images and videos: Create an S3 Bucket: Log in to the AWS Management Console, navigate to the S3 service, and create a new bucket. This bucket will serve as the storage location for your images and videos. Set Up Permissions: Configure access control policies for your S3 bucket to control who can upload, download, and manage objects stored in the bucket. You can use IAM policies to define permissions for specific users or roles. Upload Images and Videos: Use the AWS SDK or AWS Management Console to upload images and videos to your S3 bucket. You can also configure lifecycle policies to automatically move or delete objects based on predefined rules.

11. Hosting the Project with AWS Lambda and API Gateway:

AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that allows you to run code without provisioning or managing servers. You can use Lambda to execute backend logic for your application. Here's how you can host your project using Lambda and API Gateway: Deploy Backend Code to Lambda: Package your Node.js/Express.js backend code into a deployment package and upload it to AWS Lambda. You can define Lambda functions to handle different API endpoints or business logic. Set Up API Gateway: Create an API using Amazon API Gateway to expose your Lambda functions as HTTP endpoints. API Gateway acts as a proxy between your frontend and backend, allowing you to define RESTful APIs and manage requests/responses. Configure CORS: Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) on your API Gateway to allow your frontend application hosted elsewhere to make requests to your API. Integrate Frontend with Backend: Update your frontend code to make API requests to the endpoints exposed by API Gateway. You'll need to handle authentication, request validation, and response parsing in your frontend code.

Things which we will learn after completing this project -

Backend Technologies:


  • You'll become proficient in server-side JavaScript programming with Node.js. Express.js:
  • Express.js will be your go-to framework for building robust and scalable backend APIs. MongoDB:
  • You'll learn how to work with MongoDB, a NoSQL database, and perform CRUD operations using Mongoose ODM (Object Data Modeling). AWS Lambda:
  • You'll gain experience with serverless computing by deploying backend logic as Lambda functions. AWS API Gateway:
  • You'll learn how to create RESTful APIs and manage endpoints using API Gateway to communicate with Lambda functions. AWS SDK for JavaScript:
  • You'll utilize the AWS SDK to interact with AWS services programmatically, including Lambda and API Gateway.

Frontend Technologies:


  • You'll master frontend development using React.js, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. HTML/CSS:
  • You'll use HTML and CSS for structuring and styling your frontend components. React Router:
  • React Router will enable you to implement client-side routing in your React application. Axios or Fetch API:
  • You'll make HTTP requests from your frontend to your backend API using Axios or the Fetch API. Redux (Optional):
  • If you choose to implement Redux, you'll learn state management techniques for handling complex application states.

Additional Technologies:


  • You'll learn how to store and manage static assets such as images and videos using AWS S3. OAuth Authentication:
  • Implementing OAuth with Google and LinkedIn will introduce you to authentication mechanisms and third-party integrations. Redis (Caching):
  • You'll integrate Redis for caching frequently accessed data, improving application performance. RabbitMQ (Queue):
  • RabbitMQ will be used for queuing tasks like sending email notifications, introducing you to asynchronous task processing.

Development Tools and Practices:

Git and Version Control:

  • You'll use Git for version control to manage your project's source code. RESTful API Design:
  • You'll learn best practices for designing RESTful APIs to ensure scalability and maintainability. Deployment and DevOps:
  • You'll gain experience deploying your application to AWS and setting up CI/CD pipelines for automated deployments.

Reference - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJPTXN4M6Uc&list=PLg0iGTw0XlInl2qIOH7uELfeaHDiXVZ9V&index=2