
My Personal shellscript for new virtual machines.

Primary LanguageShell


My Personal shellscript for new virtual machines.


  • VM's OS: Ubuntu or Debian
  • Do in root
  • wget command (install if necessary)

What will be done

  • update apt
  • install aptitude, less, vim, make, gcc, g++, openssl, libssl-dev, build-essential, nginx, git, ufw (allow 80 and 50022)
  • create user and set authorized_keys
  • set ssh safety (Port 22 -> 50022, PermitRootLogin no, PermitEmptyPasswords no, PasswordAuthentication no, ChallengeResponseAuthentication no, X11Forwarding no, AllowUsers)


  • I always do same things in new VM
  • I'm afraid of spelling wrong (especially "authorized_keys") and wrong access permissions
  • Ansible, Puppet, Chef and so on. I've heard of them :)
  • Idempotence... what is that?

How to

  1. create VM (Ubuntu or Debian only!)
  2. log in to the VM
  3. do the following!
# use wget or w3m (terminal browser)
$ wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/kawa-/e83d36bd50b1673ec7fa6ab6071c23c1/raw/8a6bf3e956e65b5e5fac2420e523fc596e2a30b7/runme.sh

# edit 3 params: username, ssh port, your public key
$ vi runme.sh

# run!
$ bash runme.sh

# restart ssh (Caution: The ssh port will be changed!)
$ /etc/init.d/ssh restart

Sometimes you need to install wget command by apt.

$ apt-get update; apt-get upgrade -y;
$ apt-get install wget

Or you can use w3m instead of wget.

$ w3m https://gist.github.com/kawa-/
# ...And search the script, and open as raw. Press shift+s to save. Name it runme.sh.


I don't take any responsibilities if you use this. If you are happy, let me know your favorite and secure VM settings in GitHub issues.