IRG WS2017 Review Tool


  1. Download Repository using git pull.
  2. Download data files included in the releases page.
  3. Unzip the * files directly into /data/, and directly into /app/.
  4. Create /comments/ folder with read-write access, or unzip if comments from WS2017 v1.1 are desired.
  5. Chmod /data/review/ with read-write access.
  6. Rename login.sqlite3-example to login.sqlite3.
  7. Replace current-database.sqlite3-example to current-database.sqlite3 if comments from WS2017 v1.1 are not desired.
  8. Set up Apache with PHP support, and visit /app/ in the browser.
  9. Set up user accounts in /app/admin.php (see notes).


  • Main app: /app/
  • Login/Admin page: /app/admin.php
  • Chart generator: /app/chart.php
  • Consolidated comments list generator: /app/list.php


  • To set up the first admin user, comment out /app/admin.php lines 56 - 58, 145 and 149.
  • The admin user privilege is hardcoded to the user IDs set in /app/user_chk.php line 37.

Submission of data for consolidation

  • Zip the files in /data/review/current-database.sqlite3 and also the files in the /comments/ folder.