
using vagrant to build centos 7 boxes to help study for RHCE

Primary LanguageHTML

RHCE Lab built with packer and vagrant

I am not affiliated with Red Hat nor do I have any idea what questions are on the RHCE exam. I assembled everything in this repo from the various sources below. Using this lab will not gurantee you will pass your RHCE exam.

Get Started

  • Install Vagrant, Virtualbox, and Packer
  • Run packer build packer.json
  • Run vagrant up

Once installed

  • visit http://server1.rhce.lab for objectives
  • install any other needed packages to complete objectives, i intentionally left several out
  • most objectives will have help links to videos or repos


  • after running each practice run vagrant destroy -f to destroy enviroment
  • run vagrant up to create fresh enviroment

VM Details

  • server1.rhce.lab is main server, runs httpd for objectives, can be setup as client
  • server2.rhce.lab can be setup as client server for NFS, POSTFIX, etc
  • ipa.rhce.lab is ipa server it provides kerberos auth for NFS and User auth as well. I wouldn't do much on this VM
  • server1 and server2 have 3 extra nics to set up teaming/bonding*
  • No ssh keys for root user have been copied between machines

Items still needed

  • ipv6 support to configure nic with ipv6
  • teaming setup currently will not work
  • issues suspending/resuming VMs



  • look in selinux folder for custom semodule to allow httpd_t access to vmblock_t, check out this semodule tutorial for information
  • take a look in ipa folder for different commands that are run in Vagrantfile
  • packer build will take a good while as will vagrant up
  • the ks.cfg file will install most needed packages and run a yum update