SatNOGS Rotator

Hardware for SatNOGS Rotator. This repository includes all needed source files for 3D printed (and other) parts of SatNOGS Rotator.


More information can be found in our documentation, or our wiki.

Repository policy

SatNOGS hardware repositories only track source design files. All needed derivative files (e.g. stl, grb etc) for production are created per release, packaged in an archive and uploaded linked to a release.

Each major release (x.0.0) is branched out of master. Subsequent fixes (minor or not) are commited on those branches and tagged accordingly.

Master branch is most times under active development, so expect things to break. For production ready and previous releases source files check tags and branches.


© 2014-2015 Libre Space Foundation.

Licensed under the CERN OHLv1.2.