- Based off project by Julio Casal https://dotnetmicroservices.com/
- Docker
- MongoDB
- Postman
to create new web api from terminal
dotnet new webapi -n Catalog
set up certificates to run on localhost
- This will allow Swagger to display in browser window for the API
dotnet dev-certs https --trust
- This will allow Swagger to display in browser window for the API
Install MongoDB Client Driver (NuGet)
dotnet add package MongoDB.Driver
Run local Docker Container
docker run -d --rm --name mongo -p 27017:27017 -v mongodbdata:/data/db mongo
- dont attach to the process, just run it and let it go-rm
- destroy the container after you are done, dont keep it running--name
- name of the Image / Container you are creating-p
- the port-v
- the MongoDB volume, so you dont destroy the data when you stop the Docker Containermongodbdata:/data/db mongo
- store your DB data at this file path in Mongo to persist the data after the Container has closed
View running Docker processes
docker ps
Stop running Docker process
docker stop {name}
View Docker Volumes
docker volume ls
Remove Docker Volume
docker volume rm {volume name}
Run local Docker Container with environment variables (DB username, password, etc.)
docker run -d --rm --name mongo -p 27017:27017 -v mongodbdata:/data/db -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=mongoadmin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password1 mongo
- dont attach to the process, just run it and let it go-rm
- destroy the container after you are done, dont keep it running--name
- name of the Image / Container you are creating-p
- the port-v
- the MongoDB volume, so you dont destroy the data when you stop the Docker Containermongodbdata:/data/db mongo
- store your DB data at this file path in Mongo to persist the data after the Container has closed- So at this point, our DB knows about requiring user authentication we have set, but our Services do not know about it
- Set these in
and the.NET Secret Manager
- Set these in
- So at this point, our DB knows about requiring user authentication we have set, but our Services do not know about it
dotnet user-secrets init
Set UserSecretsId to '7ee7c261-9b12-4f9e-9fc0-de16f4fd7384' for MSBuild project '/Users/j/Desktop/Catalog/Catalog.csproj'.
- to add a secret
dotnet user-secrets set MongoDbSettings:Password password1
Successfully saved MongoDbSettings:Password = password1 to the secret store.
- Finally
- Set the username and password in the MongoDB Connection string in
return $"mongodb://{User}:{Password}@{Host}:{Port}";
- Set the username and password in the MongoDB Connection string in
- A health check is an endpoint like
that will tell if an API is able to receive requests and able to communicate with the DB or other services it depends on - Install Open Source MongoDB library to check MongoDB connection status as part of Health Check
dotnet add package AspNetCore.HealthChecks.MongoDb
- This can be configured in
services.AddHealthChecks().AddMongoDb(mongoDbSettings.ConnectionString, name: "mongodb", timeout: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => { endpoints.MapControllers(); endpoints.MapHealthChecks("/health"); });
- Testing Health Check can be done by sending a GET request to https://localhost:5001/health
- it should return
- Now stop the docker instance of the Mongo container
docker stop mongo
- Send another GET request to https://localhost:5001/health
- Verify it returns
- it should return
dotnet add package Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces
Health Checks can be customized and configured to return more detailed information as a JSON object like this:
{ "status": "Healthy", "checks": [ { "name": "mongodb", "status": "Healthy", "exception": "none", "duration": "00:00:00.0923151" } ] }
- More customization options can be seen here https://github.com/Xabaril/AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks for all kinds or BackEnd stuff including AWS, Kafka, RabbitMQ, SendGrid, Kubernetes, Azure, etc.
Problems Docker helps solve / simplify
- What kind of machine is my server going to run on?
- Physical machine? Virtual Machine?
- Linux? Windows? Be sure to pick the right OS version for your needs
- Physical machine? Virtual Machine?
- How are we getting files to and from our server?
- What if DB requires different version of OS or dependencies?
- What if we want to move to a new version of .NET?
- How do we quickly start the REST API on the machine?
- What if one instance of the API or service is not enough to handle the load?
- What kind of machine is my server going to run on?
- The Dockerfile can set configurations for:
- OS
- .NET / ASP.NET Core Runtime
- Dependencies
- Where to place the files in the file system
- How to star the REST API
- The Dockerfile can set configurations for:
Multi-stage builds
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/aspnet:5.0 AS base WORKDIR /app EXPOSE 80 FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:5.0 AS build WORKDIR /src COPY ["Catalog.csproj", "./"] RUN dotnet restore "Catalog.csproj" COPY . . WORKDIR "/src/." RUN dotnet build "Catalog.csproj" -c Release -o /app/build FROM build AS publish RUN dotnet publish "Catalog.csproj" -c Release -o /app/publish FROM base AS final WORKDIR /app COPY --from=publish /app/publish . ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "Catalog.dll"]
- A health check is an endpoint like
- Build a Docker Image
docker build -t catalog:v1 .
- tag.
- current directory
- View summary of image vulnerabilities and recommendations
docker scout quickview
- SBOM of image already cached, 190 packages indexed
- Build a Docker Image
Your image catalog:v1 │ 7C 14H 15M 31L Base image debian:10-slim │ 5C 7H 5M 30L Refreshed base image debian:10-slim │ 0C 1H 0M 29L │ -5 -6 -5 -1 Updated base image debian:stable-slim │ 0C 0H 0M 17L │ -5 -7 -5 -13
- Create a Docker Network so our API Container can talk to our MongoDB Container
docker network create net5tutorial
- To view Docker Network
docker network ls
- First make sure there are no containers running locally
docker ps
- close any that are running -docker stop mongo
- Run the Container you want with the configurations you want
docker run -d --rm --name mongo -p 27017:27017 -v mongodbdata:/data/db -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=mongoadmin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password1 --network=net5tutorial mongo
- dont attach to the process, just run it and let it go-rm
- destroy the container after you are done, dont keep it running--name
- name of the Image / Container you are creating-p
- the port-v
- the MongoDB volume, so you dont destroy the data when you stop the Docker Containermongodbdata:/data/db mongo
- store your DB data at this file path in Mongo to persist the data after the Container has closed- So at this point, our DB knows about requiring user authentication we have set, but our Services do not know about it
- Set these in
and the.NET Secret Manager
- Set these in
- So at this point, our DB knows about requiring user authentication we have set, but our Services do not know about it
- the docker network the container should run in
- View Docker Images to verify the image was created
docker images
- should see
catalog v1 ...
- should see
- Run the Container in Prod with interactive tag
to see the logsdocker run -it --rm -p 8080:80 -e MongoDbSettings:Host=mongo -e MongoDbSettings:Password=password1 --network=net5tutorial catalog:v1
- notice
Hosting environment: Production
- to test in production send GET request to http://localhost:8080/items
- verify a
response, verify in console, no307
redirect --> means we're in Prod and not Dev environment
- verify a
- notice
- First make sure there are no containers running locally
- How to share our Docker Image
- We can share our Docker Image publicly on https://hub.docker.com
docker login
in terminal with docker credentials- View images
docker images
- Tag our image
docker tag catalog:v1 {docker-username}/catalog:v1
- Verify new image created
docker images
- Push new image to Docker Hub
docker push {docker-username}/catalog:v1
- To test locally, remove the local images and pull down from Docker Hub
docker images
docker rmi {docker-username}/catalog:v1
docker rmi catalog:v1
- Logout of Docker to verify it is a public image
docker logout
- Verify your public image can be run publicly (not logged into Docker)
- Pull down to local
docker pull {docker-username}/catalog:v1
- Verify
docker images
- Should see the pulled down image
- View images