Build Your Own Backend - Turing FEE Mod 4 solo project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Your Own Backend

Build Your Own Backend (BYOB) is the first solo project in Mod 4 of the Front End Engineering program at the Turing School of Software and Design. This project introduces Front End students to relational databases, designing schemas, migrating and seeding data, and building endpoints with full documentation.

BYOB also requires students to use a sprint board tool like Clubhouse, test endpoints with Postman, incorporate a Pull Request template, and use a rebase workflow. Students were also required to provide line-by-line annotation in the server.js file to demonstrate understanding.

BYOB is deployed to Heroku at https://byobwilliams.herokuapp.com/api/v1/[...].


This database is seeded with the Colorado Avalanche Information Center's forecast_zones and avalanches reports for events occuring in January, 2019.


API endpoints

Requesting Forecast Zones and Avalanches entries

Purpose URL Verb Request Body
Request all forecast zones /api/v1/forecast_zones GET none
Request all avalanche reports /api/v1/avalanches GET none
Request one forecast zone /api/v1/forecast_zones/:id GET none
Request one avalanche report /api/v1/avalanches/:id GET none
  • The :id in the url should be replaced with the id number of a user-selected forecast_zone or avalanche. A successful GET will return all forecast_zones or avalanches as an array of objects, or the one matching object.

example forecast_zone:

    "forecast_zone": {
        "id": 45,
        "zone": null,
        "nearby_city": "Aspen",
        "land_features": "Elk Range",
        "created_at": "2019-10-03T16:41:03.577Z",
        "updated_at": "2019-10-03T16:41:03.577Z"

example avalanche:

    "avalanche": {
        "id": 593,
        "date": "2019/01/28",
        "date_precision": "Estimated",
        "first_name": "Matt",
        "last_name": "Huber",
        "elevation": "TL",
        "aspect": "SW",
        "type": "HS",
        "trigger": "N",
        "release_size": "R2",
        "destructive_size": "D2",
        "forecast_zones_id": 45,
        "created_at": "2019-10-03T16:41:03.594Z",
        "updated_at": "2019-10-03T16:41:03.594Z"

Posting a new Forecast Zone or Avalanche entry

Purpose URL Verb Request Body
Add a forecast zone /api/v1/forecast_zones POST * see below
Add an avalanche report /api/v1/avalanches POST * see below
  • Each POST call must pass an options object that includes a header of 'Content-Type': 'application/json'. The body must also pass an object with required information specific to that particular resource type (i.e., forecast_zones or avalanches). All information must be passed as a string, except for the forecast_zones_id. When POSTing a new avalanche report, the forecast_zones_id property connects the new avalanche report to the forecast zone where the avalanche occurred. Include a number value for the correct zone's id. A successful post returns the id of the new forecast_zone or avalanche.

new forecast_zone to be posted:

    "zone": "Aspen",
    "nearby_city": "Aspen",
    "land_features": "Elk Range"

new avalanche to be posted:

    "date": "2019/01/28",
    "date_precision": "Estimated",
    "first_name": "Matt",
    "last_name": "Huber",
    "elevation": "TL",
    "aspect": "SW",
    "type": "HS",
    "trigger": "N",
    "release_size": "R2",
    "destructive_size": "D2",
    "forecast_zones_id": 45

Deleting a Forecast Zone or Avalanche entry

Purpose URL Verb Request Body
Remove a forecast zone /api/v1/forecast_zones/:id DELETE none
Remove an avalanche report /api/v1/avalanches/:id DELETE none
  • The :id in the url should be replaced with the id number of the forecast_zone or avalanche to remove. A successful DELETE will return a confirmation message: "Forecast zone deleted." or Avalanche report deleted.

Built With

  • Express
  • Knex
  • PostgreSQL
  • csv-parser
  • Postman
  • Clubhouse
  • dbdiagram.io
  • Heroku