
Simple Flask API for demo

Primary LanguagePython


This is a Python Flask simple API to demonstrate HOW RESTFUL API works


  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone


  • First Name
  • Email
  • Address
  • Phone
  • Last Name


Design and implement a simple application serving a RESTful API to perform operations on Organization as well as Users. You may use any language, framework, or object-relational mapping of your choice and create any additional fields and classes you desire. We are looking to see how you design and implement your model as well as your application. We expect to be able to trace an endpoint down to the data transfer objects (DTO) that represent Organizations and Users. Feel free to provide additional documentation (UML, SQL scripts, comments, etc) that may communicate your design choices. We expect your API to support the following operations:

  • Create a single Organization
  • Create a single User
  • Add a User to an Organization
  • Delete a User from an Organization
  • Read all Users who belong to a specific Organization
  • Read all Organizations to which a User belongs

How to run API:

  • local server:

    CREATE virtualenv by installing pip packages:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    ADD current folder into PYTHONPATH:


    export PYTHONPATH=/c/Users/kawoukaka/workspace/simpleAPI
    RUN server:
    python api_server/server.py
    Check server url
  • Docker:

    Build docker image:


    docker build -t xxxx/simple_api:latest

    docker is running on if you are running with docker desktop version. The port number is able to change in Dockerfile and docker-compose file for mapping.

    If you don't want to build in local machine, you can checkout image from my dockerhub
    docker pull kawoukaka/simple_api:latest
    RUN docker compose to run container:
    docker compose up
    Check server url

How to run Tests:

RUN flake8 and unit tests in the folder
. ./bin/run_tests.sh