
This module can be used to provision an AKS cluster with a Linux and Windows Node Pool. It was adapted from this GitHub repo: skamasam/TF-Code-Azure-Win-Nodepool.

How to use

We recommend using this repo by first publishing it as a module in a TFC/TFE Private Module Registry (PMR) of your TFE/TFE Organization. Please see: Publishing Modules to the Terraform Cloud Private Module Registry

Once it is published, please write a main.tf file to use this module as shown in the snippet below. A full example is provided in this repo: terraform-azure-aks-winnodepool.

# main.tf:
module "aks_winnodepool_module" {
  source  = "app.terraform.io/GitlabCI-demos/aks-winnodepool-module/azure"
  version = "1.1.7"

Module Inputs

Please see the 02-variables.tf file for inputs.

Module Outputs

Please see the 08-outputs.tf file for outputs.

  • Note: One of the important items exported in this repo is kube_config. This is an attribute of the azurerm_kubernetes_cluster resource. This output is used in an upstream Workspace to allow developer access to AKS. For more information, please see: Reading the kubeconfig for more information.