
This Repo is meant to serve as an example project repo that services 3 environments in Terraform Enterprise, specifically 3 unique worspaces that each map to a sub directory found in this repo.

Getting Started

This repo should run out of the box when correctly cloned and mapped to a TFE organization that you control. Each sub directory has a and file that executes the provisioning of a single ec2 instance to a pre-created VPC and subnet that maps to each workspace Research, Test, & Prod. Feel free to modify the, at a minimum update the tags on the instance. The original demo was performed on a worksapce that had a basic Sentinel policy to check for tags on ec2 instances.

Example Sentinel policy

To demonstrate a basic Sentinel check for tags create a Sentinel policy in your TFE org:

Policy Name: Check for Tags Enforcement Mode: hard-mandatory (or your choice)

# Warning, this is case sensitive.  This is on purpose especially for organizations that do cost analysis on tag names.   Case sensitivity enforcements allow you to not have duplicates by case

mandatory_tags = [

# Get all AWS instances contained in all modules being used
get_aws_instances = func() {
    instances = []
    for tfplan.module_paths as path {
        instances += values(tfplan.module(path).resources.aws_instance) else []
    return instances

aws_instances = get_aws_instances()

# Instance tag rule
instance_tags = rule {
    all aws_instances as _, instances {
    	all instances as index, r {
            all mandatory_tags as t {
                r.applied.tags contains t

# print("tfplan: %s", tfplan)
main = rule {
    (instance_tags) else true

Clean up and deletion of the workspace

To clean up the resources provisioned by this workspace, in TFE go to Workspaces > choose this workspace > Settings > Queue destroy, accept > then go back to Settings > click Delete from Terraform Enterprise, accept to remove the workspace.