
🎵 SoundCloud Downloader API is a simple Flask-based web service that enables you to extract information about SoundCloud tracks. Whether you're building a music-related application or simply exploring SoundCloud data, this API provides a convenient way to retrieve track details using SoundCloud URLs

Primary LanguagePython


🎵 SoundCloud Scraper API is a simple Flask-based web service that enables you to extract information about SoundCloud tracks. Whether you're building a music-related application or simply exploring SoundCloud data, this API provides a convenient way to retrieve track details using SoundCloud URLs. The project emphasizes ease of use, integration, and educational purposes.

Selenium Version Flask-CORS Version Flask Version


This Flask-based API allows you to retrieve information from SoundCloud by providing a SoundCloud track link. It is designed to be hosted on a server and can be easily integrated into other applications or services.


Click to watch demo video


  • Get Track Info: Retrieve information about a SoundCloud track by providing its URL.

Getting Started


  • Python 3.x
  • Flask
  • Flask-CORS
  • Selenium


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/kawsarlog/soundcloud-downloader-api.git
  2. Install dependencies:

    cd soundcloud-downloader-api
    pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Run the Flask app:

    python app.py

    The app will run on by default.

  2. Make a GET request to the following endpoint to retrieve track information:

    Replace https://soundcloud.com/user/track-link with the desired SoundCloud track URL.

  3. You will receive a JSON response with the track information.

API Endpoints

  • GET /getTrackInfo

    • Parameters:
      • url (string): SoundCloud track URL (e.g., https://soundcloud.com/user/track-link).
    • Returns:
      • JSON object containing track information.
  • GET /health

    • Returns:
      • JSON object with the status of the API.


  • The Flask app is configured to run in production mode with debugging turned off. Adjust configurations in app.py if needed.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Note: This project is for educational purposes only.