
A* parser for tree adjoining grammars

Primary LanguageHaskellBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Partage is a Haskell library and a tool dedicated to parsing tree adjoining grammars (TAGs). It supports both adjunction and sister-adjunction.

It implements two kinds of parsers -- an Earley-style, bottom-up parser [1] with special focus on structure (and, hence, computation) sharing [2], and an A* parser [3,4,5].

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Earley-style parser

The Earley-style parser implements two flavors of grammar compression:

  • Subtrees common to different elementary trees are shared. The input TAG is in fact transformed into an equivalent directed acyclic graph (DAG).
  • Flat production grammar rules representing the individual parts of the DAG are compressed into an FSA. The default choice is a prefix-tree compression, although other forms of compression are also possible (e.g., minimal FSA).

A* parser

The A* parser works best on the results of dependency-aware supertagging in which:

  • To each position in the input sentence a distribution of TAG elementary trees (supertags) which can be anchored at this position is assigned. This comes from classic statistical supertagging.
  • To each position in the sentence the distribution of the possible heads is also assigned. This can result from statistical dependency parsing.

The probability of a TAG derivation in this setting is defined as the product of the probabilities of the participating supertags multiplied by the product of the probabilities of the entailed dependency arcs. The A* parser then guarantees to find a most probable derivation without searching the entire space of the possible derivations.

Grammar compression is also used in the A* parser, but to a very limited extent.


Some correctness-related properties (notably, monotonicity) of the A* parser are verified using the Coq proof assistant. See the proofs subfolder for more details.


First you will need to download and install the Haskell Tool Stack. Then run the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/kawu/partage.git
cd partage
stack install

The last command builds the partage command-line tool and (on Linux) places it in the ~/.local/bin/ directory by default. Installation on Windows, even though not tested, should be also possible.

You can also run the following command in the local repository to make sure that all the tests succeed:

stack test

Data format

Partage works with tab-separated values (.tsv) files, with the individual sentences separated by blank lines. Each non-blank line corresponds to a token in the corresponding sentence and contains the following columns:

  • ID of the token
  • word form
  • head distribution
  • 1st supertag
  • 2nd supertag
  • ...

The head distribution entry has the form of | separated pairs, each pair consisting of a head token ID and the corresponding probability (separated by a colon). If this entry is empty, no head dependency constraints are assumed for the corresponding position.

Each supertag entry consists of a supertag represented in the bracketed format and the corresponding probability (also separated by a colon). Here is an example of how an input sentence represented in this format can look like.

1	John	2:1.0	(NP (N <>)):1.0
2	eats	0:1.0	(SENT (NP) (VP (V <>))):0.6	(SENT (NP) (VP (V <>) (NP))):0.4
3	an	4:0.5|1:0.5	(NP* (D <>)):1.0
4	apple	2:0.5|0:0.5	(NP (N <>)):1.0

In general, the token IDs have to correspond to the range 1..n where n is the sentence length. ID 0 is reserved for the special dummy token representing the root. Another, larger example can be found in examples/french.tsv.

The anchor of the trees is represented with <>. For example, (SENT (NP) (VP (V <>))) is transformed to (SENT (NP) (VP (V eats))) in the example above before parsing takes place.

Adjunction vs. sister-adjunction

Auxiliary trees (which attach to other trees via adjunction) are represented by marking the foot node with a star, e.g. (VP (V <>)(VP* )).

Sister trees (which attach to other trees via sister-adjunction) are represented by marking the root node with a star, e.g. (NP* (D <>)).

Empty terminals

To represent an empty terminal, use the special -NONE- terminal symbol, e.g (S (NP )(VP (V <>)(NP -NONE-))).


Use the following command to parse an input test.tsv file using A*:

partage astar -i test.tsv


cat test.tsv | partage astar

Assuming the example sentence presented above, this command should result in:

1	John	2	(NP (N John))
2	eats	0	(SENT (NP) (VP (V eats) (NP)))
3	an	4	(NP* (D an))
4	apple	2	(NP (N apple))

Run partage astar --help to learn more about the possible parsing options.

Output representation

You can retrieve the parsed (derived) trees instead of the selected supertags and dependency heads using the -p option:

partage astar -i test.tsv -p

You can also use -v (--verbosity) to get additional information on the resulting parses, such as their weights (-v 1) or the corresponding derivation trees (-v 2).

Start symbol

The -s option allows to specify the start symbol, i.e., the label of the root of the resulting parse, e.g.:

partage astar -i test.tsv -s SENT

To use several start symbols, specify them separated by spaces between double quotation marks, as in the example below:

partage astar -i test.tsv -s "SENT FRAG"

Alternatively, you can use the -s option several times:

partage astar -i test.tsv -s SENT -s FRAG

Number of supertags and dependency heads

It is possible to restrict the number of supertags (-t or --max-tags) and dependency heads (-d or --max-deps) used for parsing. For instance, to restrict both numbers to 5:

partage astar -i test.tsv -s SENT -t 5 -d 5

This will normally speed up parsing, but there is a price to pay -- additional restrictions may make the parser fail for some sentences. In such situations, the parser will explore the full parsing hypergraph and actually work slower.

The related --beta parameter alows to determine the number of supertags and heads for each token dynamically, based on the corresonding probabilities. For instance, with --beta 0.01 and the highest supertag probability of 0.9, all the supertags with the probabilities lower than 0.01 x 0.9 will get discarded.


In order to run the Earley-style parser instead of A*, use:

partage earley -i test.tsv -s SENT

Note that the Earley-style parser ignores the dependency-related constraints (third column of the input file). It also requires that the start symbol(s) be specified. The output is also different, it consists of the set of parsed trees. For the example sentence above:

(SENT (NP (N John)) (VP (V eats) (NP (D an) (N apple))))

Run partage earley --help to learn more about the possible parsing options.


[1] Miguel A. Alonso, David Cabrero, Eric de la Clergerie and Manuel Vilares, Tabular Algorithms for TAG Parsing, in Proc. of EACL'99, Ninth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 150-157, Bergen, Norway, 1999.

[2] Jakub Waszczuk, Agata Savary, Yannick Parmentier, Enhancing Practical TAG Parsing Efficiency by Capturing Redundancy, 21st International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA 2016), Seoul, South Korea, 2016, (PDF).

[3] Jakub Waszczuk, Agata Savary, and Yannick Parmentier, Promoting multiword expressions in A* TAG parsing, 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2016), Osaka, Japan, 2016, (PDF).

[4] Jakub Waszczuk, Agata Savary, and Yannick Parmentier, Multiword Expression-Aware A* TAG Parsing Revisited, 13th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms, Umeå, Sweden, 2017. (PDF).

[5] Jakub Waszczuk, Leveraging MWEs in practical TAG parsing: towards the best of the two worlds, PhD Thesis, Tours, 2017, (PDF)