
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Process a batch of OpenAI chat completion requests. The requests must be specified in a csv file with two fields named "system" and "user". The contents of these fields will be used as the content of the system message and the user message sent to OpenAI as part of the chat completion request. Results will be written to an output file which will be a csv containing the fields "system", "user", and "assistant" with the response from OpenAI contained in the "assistant" field.

Any additional fields specified in the input file will have no effect on processing and will be copied to the output file without modification.

Please make sure to specify your OpenAI API key in an environment variable called OPENAI_APIKEY. This can also be done by adding a file called .env to your working directory and including a line like this:


In order to use this program, make sure you have NodeJS and npm installed. It is recommended to use NodeJS 20.

After cloning the repo, download all dependencies by running: npm install

Then, you can run the program like this: openai-batch -i <your input file>

For usage instructions, run like this: openai-batch --help

Please note that the order of the records in the output file may not match the order in the input file. Therefore, you may find it helpful to add an additional index field to the input file. This will be copied to the output file and may aid in sorting and matching the results.