If you find something new and interesting, feel free to send a PR :)
- Exploring JS, by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
- Tagged Template Literals, by Wes Bos
- Creating functions for tagged template literals, by Seth Vincent
- astroturf An "artificial" css-in-js for those that want it all.
- csstag Tagged template for CSS Modules
- emotion CSS-in-JS library designed for high performance style composition
- styled components Visual primitives for the component age. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress
- fdate Light-weight, faster datetime formatter for modern browsers.
- common-tags Useful template literal tags for dealing with strings
- es6-template-string Compile and resolve template strings notation as specified in ES6
- is-tagged Check whether a function call is initiated by a tagged template string or invoked in a regular way
- tage template tags easily made from other functions
- tag-reduce Reduce tagged template literals to a single value
- usefulTags A tiny JavaScript library incorporating some useful template tag functions.
- graphql-tag A JavaScript template literal tag that parses GraphQL queries
- escape-html-template-tag Escapes interpolated values in HTML strings
- facon Tiny utility (272B) to create DOM elements with manner
- genel Utility for generating html elements with tagged
template literal
. Only 649 bytes. - HTM Hyperscript Tagged Markup: JSX alternative using standard tagged templates, with compiler support.
- html-template-tag Escapes interpolated values in HTML strings
- hyperHTML A Fast & Light Virtual DOM Alternative
- t7 Lightweight virtual DOM templating library
- viperHTML Isomorphic hyperHTML
- Karin An elegant promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- url-escape-tag A template tag for escaping url parameters based on ES2015 tagged templates
- concise-constructs A utility for defining [CDK] constructs without ever needing to think about scope.
- i18n Tagged Template Literals ES2015 template literal tag for i18n and l10n (translation and internationalization)
- ttag simple approach for javascript localization
- marli Markdown tagged template literal renderer
- regexr For composing regular expressions without the need for double-escaping inside strings.
- shell-escape-tag An ES6 template tag which escapes parameters for interpolation into shell commands
- node-sql-composer Composable SQL template strings for Node.js
- sequelize-sql-tag A template tag for writing elegant parameterized SQL queries based on ES2015 tagged template literals using Sequelize
- sql Javascript tag to format SQL template literals
- sq-tag A template tag for writing elegant parameterized SQL queries based on ES2015 tagged template literals
- sql-tags ES6 tagged template string functions for SQL statements.
- SQL Template Strings ES6 tagged template strings for prepared SQL statements
- snuggsi Easy Web Components in ~1kB
- yaml-tag Template literal tag function for YAML in JS