SmartWeave Extension for Zod

A Warp plugin that extends the global SmartWeave object with Zod parsers created from custom Zod schemas.


  • Use Zod schemas to validate contract inputs.
  • Infer TypeScript types from your Zod schemas for auto-completion in your contract and frontend code.
  • Parse inputs inside your contract via the global SmartWeave object.
  • Get ContractError if the input is invalid.
  • Save space in your contract code by moving the schema definitions to a separate file and moving Zod to a plugin.


$ npm i @kay-is/warp-contracts-plugin-zod


$ yarn add @kay-is/warp-contracts-plugin-zod

Schemas and Types Setup

Define your Zod schemas in a separate file.

// types.ts
import { z } from 'zod';
import { arweaveAddr, arweaveTxId, SmartweaveExtensionZod, ParsedSchemas } from '@kay-is/warp-contracts-plugin-zod';

// Define schemas with Zod
const comment = z.object({
  id: arweaveTxId,
  user: arweaveAddr,
  text: z.string()

const addCommentInput = z.object({
  function: z.literal('addComment'),
  user: arweaveAddr,
  text: z.string()

// Export the schemas so the extension can inject them into the contract at evaluation time.
export const schemas = {

// Get types of the schemas for the global SmartWeave object
export type Schemas = typeof schemas;
export type SmartWeaveExtensionZodWithSchemas = SmartWeaveExtensionZod<Schemas>;

// Create basic contract types
export type State = {
  comments: Comment[];

export type Action = {
  caller: arweaveAddr;
  input: unknown;

export type HandlerResult = { state: State } | { result: any };

export type ContractCoreTypes = {
  state: State;
  action: Action;
  handlerResult: HandlerResult;

// Merge the schema return types with the contract types
export type ContractTypes = ContractCoreTypes & ParsedSchemas<Schemas>;

Usage Inside a Contract

In the contract file, you can import the SmartWeaveExtensionZod type to get auto-completion for the parser functions.

Note: Import the types.ts file with import type to avoid importing the schema code!

// contract.ts
import type { SmartWeaveGlobal } from 'smartweave/lib/smartweave-global';
import type { ContractTypes, Schemas, SmartWeaveExtensionZodWithSchemas } from './types';

// Merge the standard SmartWeave types with the extenion type that includes the
// schema types for auto-completion.
declare global {
  const SmartWeave: SmartWeaveGlobal & SmartWeaveExtensionZodWithSchemas;

export function handle(state: ContractTypes['state'], action: ContractTypes['action']): ContractTypes['handlerResult'] {
  const { parse } = SmartWeave.extension.zod;

  if (input.function === 'addComment') {
    const addCommentInput = parse.addCommentInput(action.input);
    // addCommentInput has type { function: 'addComment', user: string, text: string }
    return addComment(state, addCommentInput, action.caller);

  // ...

function addComment(
  state: ContractTypes['state'],
  input: ContractTypes['addCommentInput'],
  caller: string
): ContractTypes['handlerResult'] {
  // ...

Usage Inside a Frontend

Import the your types.ts file into your frontend code to get the same types and schemas as in your contract code.

Create the contract with the ZodExtension class to load the schemas into the extension.

Note: Import the types.ts file with import to get the schemas in the frontend!

// frontend.ts
import { WarpFactory } from 'warp-contracts';
import { ZodExtension } from '@kay-is/warp-contracts-plugin-zod';
import { ContractTypes, schemas } from './types';

const warpFactory = WarpFactory.forMainnet().use(new ZodExtension(schemas));
const contract = warpFactory.contract<ContractTypes['state']>('<CONTRACT_ID>');
const result = await contract.readState();

export function App() {
  const [state, setState] = React.useState<ContractTypes['state']>(result.cachedValue.state);

  const addComment = async () => {
    // Throws a Zod validation error if the input is invalid
    // returns the parsed input with the right type if it's valid
    const input = schemas.addUserInput.parse({
      function: 'addComment',
      user: "X".repeat(43),
      text: 'Hello World!'

    await contract.connect(<JWK>).writeInteraction(input);
    const result = await contract.readState();


  return (
      <button onClick={addComment} >Create User</button>
      <pre>{JSON.stringify(state, null, 2)}</pre>