
Mixed-effects inference on classification performance

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The micp package implements variational Bayesian inference for the classification accuracy in hierarchical data.


Classification algorithms are often used in a hierarchical setting, where a classifier is trained and tested on individual datasets which are themselves sampled from a group. Examples of this sort of analysis are ubiquitous and are common in domains as varied as spam detection, brain-machine interfaces, and neuroimaging.

This R package provides answers to the questions of statistical inference that arise in all of these settings. It implements models that account for both within-subjects (fixed-effects) and between-subjects (random-effects) variance components and thus provide mixed-effects inference.

The package is extremely easy to use and requires no prerequisites other than R.


You can install the package from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Then load the package with:


Example 1: Inference on the accuracy

Consider a situation in which a classification algorithm (e.g., a logistic regression model, a support vector machine, or a deep learning model) has been trained and tested to predict the binary label (+1 or -1) of a set of trials. Further, assume the analysis has been carried out independently for each subject within a group. The results can then be summarized in terms of two vectors: The first one, k, encodes the number of correctly classified trials in each subject; the second, n, encodes the total number of trials in each subject. The following steps outline how to apply the R package to this setting.

Step 1: Note down observed classification outcomes

We begin by specifying two vectors that fully describe the observed outcomes of our classification analysis:

ks <- c(82,  75,  92,  85,  88)
ns <- c(100, 100, 100, 100, 100)

This says, for example, that 82 out of 100 trials were classified correctly in the first subject. There are 5 subjects in total in this example.

Step 2: inference

We perform inference by typing:

stats <- micp.stats(ks, ns)

The above code performs full Bayesian inference using an efficient variational Bayes algorithm. The acronym in micp.stats() is short for mixed-effects inference on classification performance.

We can obtain a summary of the results using:

micp.stats(ks, ns)
#> Variational Bayesian mixed-effects inference on classification
#> accuracy
#> Population inference
#>   posterior mean accuracy:    0.82 (p = 0)
#>   posterior 95% interval:     [0.72, 0.9]
#> Subject-specific inference
#>   posterior logit means:      1.52, 1.14, 2.27, 1.71, 1.93
#>   posterior logit precisions: 16.62, 20.25, 10.39, 14.86, 13
#> Bayesian model comparison
#>   free energy F: -20.28

This tells us, for example, that the population mean accuracy was 82%, with a 95% central credible interval of [72%, 90%]. This is the interval in which we place 95% of our posterior belief, and we could use it for plotting error bars on the classification performance. The output also contains an approximation to the free energy F, which is a lower bound to the marginal likelihood (or model evidence) and can be used to compare the current model to future alternatives.

We can inspect the function output in more detail using:

stats <- micp.stats(ks, ns)
#> [1] "mu"    "p"     "ci"    "q"     "model"
#> [1] 2.755991e-07

With an infraliminal probability of p ≈ 2.8 × 10−7, we are supremely confident that the classifier operated above chance at the group level. Put differently, the fact that p is approximately 0 means that we are approximately 100% sure that the population mean accuracy is above chance.

To display all details about the function micp.stats(), type:


Example 2: Inference on the balanced accuracy

In many real-world problems, the data used for classification are not perfectly balanced, in that there are more examples from one class than from the other. Denoting the two classes as the positive and the negative class, respectively, there might for instance be more positive than negative examples in the data. When the data are imbalanced, the accuracy can be a misleading performance measure since purely guessing can get you an acccuracy above 50%. One solution is to replace the accuracy by the balanced accuracy. The balanced accuracy is the average of the individual accuracies on the two classes, and its expected value drops to 50% when the classifier is just guessing, irrespective of how imbalanced the data might be.

To infer on the balanced accuracy, we need to know how many positive and negative trials were classified correctly (rather than just an overall number of correctly classified trials, as was sufficient in Example 1).

Step 1: Note down observed class-specific classification outcomes

We begin by noting down how many trials were classified correctly in each subject. In contrast to Example 1, we are now providing this information separately for positive and negative examples. Thus, k and n are now matrices. The first row refers to positive examples, the second row to negative examples.

ks <- rbind(
  c(40, 44, 18, 42, 44),
  c(48, 41, 65, 49, 32)
ns <- rbind(
  c(45, 51, 20, 46, 48),
  c(55, 49, 80, 54, 32)

Here, we recorded that in the first subject, there were 45 examples with true label ‘+1’, out of which 40 were classified correctly. 55 examples had a ‘-1’ label, and 48 of these were classified correctly. Note that in the above example the last subject has fewer trials than the rest; mixed-effects inference will correctly account for this.

Step 2: Inference

Inference is as straightforward as before. Since k and n are now matrices (as opposed to row vectors as in Example 1), the code automatically switches to an algorithm for inference on the balanced accuracy.

micp.stats(ks, ns)
#> Variational Bayesian mixed-effects inference on the balanced
#> classification accuracy
#> Population inference
#>   posterior mean balanced accuracy:  0.86 (p = 0)
#>   posterior 95% interval:            [0.79, 0.91]
#> Subject-specific inference
#>   posterior balanced accuracy means: 0.87, 0.85, 0.84, 0.89, 0.92
#> Bayesian model comparison
#>   free energy F: -32.82

This tells us that the posterior mean of the population mean balanced accuracy is 86%. Is this better than chance? Yes, with a conviction of 1 – 0.000 = 100%. If we wanted to plot error bars, we would use the limits of the central 95% credible interval, which is [79%, 91%].


  • Variational Bayesian mixed-effects inference for classification studies. K.H. Brodersen, J. Daunizeau, C. Mathys, J.R. Chumbley, J.M. Buhmann, & K.E. Stephan (2013). NeuroImage, 76, 345-361 (PDF).

  • Bayesian mixed-effects inference on classification performance in hierarchical data sets. K.H. Brodersen, C. Mathys, J.R. Chumbley, J. Daunizeau, C.S. Ong, J.M. Buhmann, & K.E. Stephan (2012). Journal of Machine Learning Research, 13, 3133-3176 (PDF).

  • Mixed-effects inference on classification performance in group studies. K.H. Brodersen, J.R. Chumbley, C. Mathys, J. Daunizeau, J.M. Buhmann, K.E. Stephan (2011) HBM, Quebec City, Canada (Poster).

  • Variational Bayesian mixed-effects inference for classification studies. K.H. Brodersen, J. Daunizeau, C. Mathys, J.R. Chumbley, J.M. Buhmann, K.E. Stephan (2012) HBM, Beijing, China (Poster).

  • The balanced accuracy and its posterior distribution. K.H. Brodersen, C.S. Ong, J.M. Buhmann, & K.E. Stephan (2010). ICPR, 3121-3124 (PDF).