This project is a LED light that can be controlled via WiFi. It is based on the ESP32c3 microcontroller and a WS2812B LED strip. The LED strip can be controlled via a web interface.
Rust is used together with embassy. embassy is a project that provides async/await for embedded systems. I like embassy a lot, it provides a great experience von embedded systems.
To build and flash the software I use the following command:
SSID=<YOUR_WIFI_SSID> PASSWORD=<YOUR_WIFI_SECRET> cargo espflash flash --bin led-lamp2 --release --monitor
In rainbow mode the LED strip flickers. This is an issue in combination with the WiFi. Maybe it would help to control the LEDs via SPI, but I did not check that yet. So for now I have no solution for this issue. There is a post in the embassy forum about this issue: (they are talking about C, but it's the same issue).