
Customised fork of the create-react-app typescript template

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Typescript React Redux Boilerplate

Build Status code style: prettier


What's included:

  • React & Redux
  • TypeScript
  • Webpack
  • SASS & CSS Modules
  • Service Worker support
  • Jest & React testing library
  • Hot Module Replacement
  • ESLint & Prettier
  • Redux DevTools via Chrome extension


  • Clone the project
  • rm -rf .git
  • git init
  • Update package.json with relevant settings (name, description, keywords, etc.)
  • Update LICENSE
  • Review all lines (Cmd+Shift+F / Ctrl+Shift+F) annotated with "FIXME:" and change where needed if defaults don't suit your use case

ADVICE: Check out trrb-cli

See Commands for more information.

Folder Structure

The example folder structure is inspired by Angular and offers the ability to group files both by feature and by type. As the React docs say, don't overthink it. Folder structures have their advantages and disadvantages and pondering over it is just a waste of time.

The master branch contains only a minimal subset of the folder structure in order to allow faster setup. For a full look of the folder structure check out the example branch.

├── public
├──── index.html
├──── static
├────── images
├────── fonts
├────── icons
├────── etc.
├── src
├──── components
├────── {Component}
├──────── index.ts
├──────── {Component}.component.tsx
├──────── {Component}.module.scss
├──────── {Component}.test.tsx
├──── containers
├────── {Container}
├──────── index.ts
├──────── {Container}.container.tsx
├──────── {Container}.test.tsx
├──── declarations
├────── styles.d.ts
├──── store
├────── actions
├──────── {State}.action.ts
├──────── index.ts
├────── reducers
├──────── {State}
├────────── {State}.reducer.ts
├────────── {State}.test.ts
├────────── index.ts
├────── state
├──────── App.state.ts
├──────── {State}.state.ts
├────── configureStore.ts
├──── types
├────── Redux.ts
├────── {Model}.ts
├──── utilities
├────── app.ts
├──── index.tsx
├──── polyfills.ts
├──── style.css
├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json

The src folder


All presentational components reside here. They can be split in two types:

  • Views - views are usually passed to connect function and later serve as app routes.
  • Subcomponents - subcomponents are smaller and serve as building blocks for the views.

These components should receive any app state through props, their stateful concerns are limited to UI state. Props shape is defined in a container as the union of MapStateFromProps and MapDispatchFromProps for views and as an interface in the same file for subcomponents.

Component folders consist of 4 files for ease of navigation in editor (Quick Open is useful when searching by component name) and brevity when importing (@Components/Component instead of @Components/Component/Component).


Containers export higher-order components, connecting views to the Redux store. They define the data passed to components via MapStateToProps and the actions they can trigger via MapDispatchToProps. Those mappings use modified interfaces (types) which enforce certain restrictions and simplify the usage of built-in types in redux and react-redux.


Declarations serve for defining usage of miscellaneous file types, which get processed by webpack loaders, e.g. styles, vectors, graphql etc.


Actions define action types and action creators. They also export a union of their action types, which is then used in reducers. Actions define action types and action creators. Each state piece also exports a union of its action types, which are later merged in AppActions.ts.

Reducers' signatures are defined using State and ActionType types and by using switch..case branches for each action we get strong typing via Discriminated Types.

State holds shape definitions of the different pieces of data the reducers manage. AppState shows the shape of the whole state tree.


Types hold application-specific contracts (models, enums, etc.) . The Redux types specify overridden definitions of intrinsic redux and react-redux types. They serve for brevity when defining containers and actions but they also solve type definitions problems with defining props for container components.

Top level files

Index is the bundle entry point. It renders <App /> and shouldn't hold any program logic.

App is the root component. It renders wrapper components and specifies app routes.

Polyfills is an entry point containing polyfills for older browsers. They get processed in a separate bundle for better long-term caching and are loaded unconditionally as their size tends to be negligible comprared to other assets.

Style is the entry point for global styles and importing CSS frameworks.


Install dependencies

npm install

Run development server

npm start

Build for production:

npm run build

Run tests:

npm test
