
Cross-chain Atomic Transaction Engine

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Cross-chain Atomic Trading Engine

CATE is an experiment in trades between two different blockchains. It creates smart contracts for trustless exchange of cryptocurrency, which are negotiated via reddit messages. It has been tested with Bitcoin and Dogecoin to this point, however it should work with any Bitcoin Core 0.9 derived client. These is a good discussion on the theory underlying this at https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Atomic_cross-chain_trading

Please also note that CATE does not yet actually prompt the user to confirm the transaction suggested by the originating user.

Known Issues

Transaction malleability is a risk for this application, in that the refund transactions are written before their input transactions are confirmed. This means in the transactions they take inputs from are modified after being relayed, the refund transactions will be useless. In general this risk is considered minor; transaction malleability does not allow someone to steal coins, and the trade can still complete successfully even if the send transactions are modified after being relayed. When BIP62 is introduced on the main networks it will further reduce this risk.

Currently Bitcoin Core and Dogecoin Core test networks allow relaying of non-final transactions, which could theoretically enable the refund transactions to be misused to block spending the send transaction. This is not supported on the main networks with the reference client, and a fix is being rolled out for the test networks.


CATE requires both Bitcoin Core and Dogecoin Core wallets, as it bridges between the two.

CATE requires python-bitcoinlib, which can be found at https://github.com/petertodd/python-bitcoinlib . It also requires python-altcoinlib which extends the library to add partial altcoin support, and can be found at https://github.com/rnicoll/python-altcoinlib

Lastly, CATE requires the "praw" library for accessing reddit. praw can be installed via "pip"


CATE has a configuration file which is used to hold authentication details for accessing reddit, and details of the coins available. A template is provided called "config.yml.dist", and should be copied to "config.yml".

You should then edit the listed reddit username and password (first two lines).

CATE accesses the Bitcoin Core and Dogecoin Core client software via RPC calls. To allow it to do this, a username and password must be set in the relevant configuration files (listed in config.yml). These should be specified using the "rpcuser" and "rpcpassword" options, as per https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Running_Bitcoin

Running CATE

First of all, the two wallets must be running and listening for RPC connections. This can be done either using the daemons (bitcoind and dogecoind), or by providing the "-server" option when running the Qt client. CATE is hard-coded to work on the test networks only, so whichever client is used, the "-testnet" option should be specified as well.

CATE consists of 7 steps, for which there are 9 scripts (7 normal case scripts, 2 recovery). Each peer runs half of the steps (one odd numbered scripts, the other even numbered scripts).

To start a trade, one user runs the first script "1_make_offer.py", which will prompt for the trade details then relay them to the specified user over reddit as a JSON object.

The receiving user then runs "2_accept_offer.py" to scan their messages for trade offers, and respond. WARNING: Right now, this script does not actually prompt to check trades are acceptable, it just accepts them outright.

This continues down the rest of the scripts. Step 3 completes the negotiation, 4 & 5 involve coins being sent to the network by each peer, and steps 6 & 7 claim the coins sent in steps 4 & 5.

In case of a problem (i.e. one peer stops trading) after coins are sent, the two recovery scripts "6b_recovery_a.py" and "7b_recovery_b.py" will send the recovery transactions to the network. Note that these transactions will only confirm 48 hours after they were generated (this is to give each peer time to complete the transaction normally).


As at 4th January 2015, a transaction looks something like the following sequence. Note that normally each peer handles half of this, so one side would run the odd numbered commands, the other the even commands. In this case however the transaction is with myself.

jrn@Ross-pc:~/Development/cate$ python 1_make_offer.py 
Okay, first of all I need to know who to make an offer to.
reddit username: rnicoll
What currency are you offering, and how much?
Currency (BTC, LTC, DOGE): BTC
Quantity offered: 0.01
What currency are you wanting, and how much?
Currency (BTC, LTC, DOGE): DOGE
Quantity asked: 10000
Offer sent

jrn@Ross-pc:~/Development/cate$ python 2_accept_offer.py 
Received offer 0faeddcb-e190-46f7-9e0f-ae8c70e01529 of 0.01000000 BTC for 10000.00000000 DOGE

jrn@Ross-pc:~/Development/cate$ python 3_accept_offer_response.py 

jrn@Ross-pc:~/Development/cate$ python 4_send_coins_a.py

jrn@Ross-pc:~/Development/cate$ python 5_send_coins_b.py

jrn@Ross-pc:~/Development/cate$ python 6_recv_coins_a.py 

jrn@Ross-pc:~/Development/cate$ python 7_recv_coins_b.py 
Spending coins from trade 0faeddcb-e190-46f7-9e0f-ae8c70e01529


A number of files are generated under the "audits" directory, within a directory named based on the trade ID. These exist to allow the process to be checked and any problems recovered from. An example for the curious is provided under the "audit_example" folder, although with the two private key files ("1_private_key.txt" and "2_private_key.txt") removed.