Greetings, fair web traveller! What a lucky stop you have made in your journey for you have stumbled upon a most special site. At your tender fingertips is a first edition collaboration by five amazing women called the Queens of Code. First, the introductions:
- Ana Belén Funes Chica
- Claudia Santaella
- Cristina Carrascal Manzanares
- Kayla Crane
- Marina Carbonell Álvarez
Born into humble beginnings, the Queens began their rise to glory the day they first set foot in the realm of Adalab. There they fought many a valiant battle against the likes of foes so fierce as CSS, HTML, SASS, GULP, and the Dragon Called Git. The Queens defeated them all, proving themselves brave and worthy rulers of the interlands! This project stands record to their valor and wisdom.
Built using HTML5, CSS3, mobile first responsive design, and lots of hard work.