
New Relic Ruby Agent Code Level Metrics Demo

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Ruby Agent Code Level Metrics Demo

This project uses the New Relic Ruby agent to demonstrate the reporting of code level metrics (CLM).

There is a Ruby on Rails 7 based web application contained in the rails7 directory. This application is designed to perform CRUD operations for fictitious future New Relic language agents.

By running the demo, the Ruby on Rails 7 application will be launched and daemonized and a tester shell script will perform curl commands that generate web traffic to exercise all traced Ruby methods.

Important Source Files

The following Rails class files define methods that will be invoked and produce code level metrics.

  • app/controllers/agents_controller.rb: A fairly standard Rails 7 controller class whose methods will automatically store CLM data in segments when called
  • app/controllers/admin/settings_controller.rb: This controller exists to demonstrate directory nesting.
  • lib/custom_helpers.rb: A demonstration class file featuring 2 class (static) methods and 2 instance methods that will produce CLM data because of the transaction and method tracers that are applied to them
  • lib/which_is_which.rb: A class that bears both a self.samename (class method) and samename instance method.
  • app/jobs/notifier_job.rb: An ActiveJob (background job processing) class featuring a perform method.

Traced methods


The rails7/app/controllers/agents_controller.rb file defines the AgentsController class. This class has 3 instance methods that are exercised by the demo, create, destroy, and show.

These 3 methods produce the following New Relic trace names:

  • Controller/agents/create
  • Controller/agents/destroy
  • Controller/agents/show


The rails7/app/controllers/admin/settings_controller.rb file defines the Admin::SettingsController class. The file demonstrates a namespaced controller class located in a nested directory beneath controllers. The controller class defines a single instance method, index.

The index method produces the following New Relic trace name:

  • Controller/admin/settings/index


The rails7/app/jobs/notifier_job.rb file defines the NotifierJob class. This ActiveJob based class has the standard perform instance method that serves as the single point of public entry into the job class.

CLM spans for this class will appear in New Relic as "non-web". The perform method produces the following New Relic trace name:

  • OtherTransaction/ActiveJob::Async/NotifierJob/execute

NOTE: The "Async" part of the trace name can be different between instances of Rails applications. Starting with Ruby on Rails version 5, "Async" is the default ActiveJob queue adapter, but it should not be used for production traffic. In production it is likely that another background job adapter will be in play. See the complete list of adapters for details.

NOTE: The "execute" part of the trace name is hardcoded and will not change between jobs.


The rails7/lib/custom_helpers.rb file defines the Custom::Helpers class. This generic Ruby class does not contain any Rails or other non standard library code. In a non demo app, this type of file could be stored anywhere the Rails app has read access to.

The custom helpers file defines 2 class methods, custom_class_method and custom_class_method_too, and 2 instance methods, custom_instance_method, and custom_instance_method_too

Each of the 2 methods without "too" in the name invoke the 2 methods with "too" in the name, so the metrics for the "too" methods will be nested by New Relic accordingly.

The 4 methods produce the following New Relic trace names:

  • OtherTransaction/Background/Custom::Helpers/custom_class_method
  • Custom/CLMtesting/ClassMethod (for custom_class_method_too)
  • OtherTransaction/Background/Custom::Helpers/custom_instance_method
  • Custom/CLMtesting/InstanceMethod (for custom_instance_method_too)


The rails7/lib/which_is_which.rb file defines the WhichIsWhich class. This class exists solely to demonstrate a Ruby class that has both a class method and an instance method with the same name. The class possesses a self.samesame class method an a samesame instance method.

Due to the way the New Relic Ruby agent currently traces Ruby methods, both of these methods will use the same trace name. The code.function and code.lineno CLM attributes will serve to differentiate the traces. The common trace name is:

  • OtherTransaction/Background/WhichIsWhich/samename

Running the Demo With Docker

Software Prerequisites

  • Docker
  • GNU Make (optional if you're comfortable with docker-compose)


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Launch a terminal emulator and change to the directory of the repository clone
  3. Set your New Relic license key via export NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=the_key
  4. Optionally set a non-production New Relic host via export NEW_RELIC_HOST=the_host
  5. Start Docker Compose via make up or docker-compose up -d --build
  6. Inspect the Rails and New Relic agent logs that appear in the logs subdirectory
  7. Leave the demo running for as long as you'd like
  8. Stop Docker Compose via make down or docker-compose down
  9. Optionally delete old logs and other temporary content via make clean
  10. Optionally discard the Docker image via make rmi
  11. If the Ruby agent was successful in posting data to New Relic, the data should soon be available in the web UI. The URL can be obtained via make url.

Updating the Demo

  1. Optionally run make clean and/or git clean to remove unwanted content
  2. Update your local copy of the demo git clone
  3. Make sure rails7/Gemfile.lock does not exist (if make clean was not used)
  4. Remove any old demo Docker images with either make rmi or docker
  5. Proceed to step 3 of the demo instructions

Development and Debugging

  • With Ruby version 2.7.0 or newer, the Rails 7 app in the rails7 subdirectory can be ran without Docker
  • To run the Rails 7 app in console mode, change to the rails7 subdirectory, run bundle and then run bundle exec rails console
  • To test the Docker image with a Bash shell, override the entrypoint like so: docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash ruby-agent-clm-demo
  • The SQLite based database is seeded with content in the rails7/db/seeds.rb file
  • The database schema is defined in rails7/db/schema.rb
  • The rails7/tester script uses Bash, curl, and jq and can be ran locally if you have all of those installed
  • puts statements can be added to any of the .rb files inolved in the web application's CRUD operations to print output to the Rails log file