
A fork of the ArduinoISP that has 8mhz output clock

Primary LanguageC++


March 2012 William Phelps - wm (at) usa.net

This is a fork of Adafruit's ArduinoISP which is a fork of Arduino's ArduinoISP which adds an 8 MHZ 'crystal' output on pin #9 so you don't need an extra oscillator/crystal. Can also rescue some bricked chips with bad oscillator fuses

Modified for Arduino IDE 1.0
shorter serial port receive buffer requires changes
getEOP() now gets entire request before avrisp() is called to process it
Serial.print((char) xxx) changed to Serial.write(xxx)
uint8_t changed to byte
added support for Piezo speaker
moved Pmode LED to A0
removed "heartbeat" on pin 6, added short blip of ERROR LED instead
Why is it that PROG_FLASH and PROG_DATA don't actually do anything???
Tested with Arduino IDE 22 and 1.0
IDE 22 - 5148 bytes
IDE 1.0 - 5524 bytes!