
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pad an Array

This challenge will help you to:

  • Break a large problem down into smaller steps using pseudocode
  • Research and use Python methods

Let's get started

In this challenge, you'll want to write a method pad. It will accept a list, a minimum size (non-negative integer) for the list, and an optional argument of what the list should be "padded" with (see the example with "apple" below).

If the list's length is less than the minimum size, pad should return a new list padded with the pad value up to the minimum size.

For example,

pad([1,2,3], 5)

should return



pad([1,2,3], 5, 'apple')

should return

[1,2,3,'apple', 'apple']

If the minimum size is less than or equal to the length of the list, it should just return the list. That is, pad([1,2,3], 3) should return [1,2,3]. pad(my_array, 0) should always return a list equal to my_array.

Remember to always write unit tests!