
In this exercise, you will create a component that allows users to input a word and acknowledge to them whether or not the word is a palindrome (spelled the same forward and backwards).

Release 0 - Create your text box

  • Create a UI that has a text input with an onChange event listener attached to it.

Release 1 - Capture what you typed

Once a user types something into your text box, capture what they typed. Referencing the .value of the text input field can either be done through the event object automatically passed into your event handler function, or via refs.

Release 2 - Write your palindrome function

We're going back to week 1. Based on what a user typed, set state on your component say whether or not your input is a palindrome and display that out to the screen. You may want to utilize ES6 template literals to render the acknowledgement like so: [word] [is/is not] a palindrome