Galvanize Q3 Group Project Proposal

  1. Fork/clone this repo
  2. Update this readme with proposal
  • Use valid markdown formatting!
  1. Pull request

Group Members

  • Vince
  • Dave
  • Carey
  • Kay
  • Michael
  • Eddie

Project Description

A Meetup-style app that's neighborhood-specific where you can send out time-sensitive notifications for specific user-created events. The events are based around hobbies (e.g. gym buddies, climbing, knitting, jam sessions, etc) and are called challenges. As a native mobile app, you'll be able to be out walking around Seattle and get notifications for challenges nearby relevant to your interests, as well as create new challenges for your current area.

Who uses it?

Anyone in Seattle who wants to pursue their hobbies while being social and meeting new people.

What outputs do they need?

  • location and time of challenge
  • description of challenge activity
  • notifications based on your current location and/or interest

What inputs are needed to generate those outputs?

  • user info (GPS location, interests with relevant supplemental information)
  • event info (user-generated locations/times/activities)
  • which category your challenge is in

What technologies will you use that weren't covered in class?

  • geofencing
  • React native
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL
  • Webpac/Browserify (might be able to do in command line?)

What technologies do you plan to use?

  • (see above)
  • HTML
  • CSS

Feature list

  • Facebook auth
  • notification settings can be turned on/off
  • comments on challenges, for coordination/communication purposes
  • user ability to accept/create challenges
  • users can set their interests (on profile and when getting notifications about nearby challenges)
  • notifications can be based on location or on specific interest (or both)
  • REACH GOAL: desktop sister application
  • REACH GOAL: private messaging
  • REACH GOAL: upvoting for new interests and category suggestion (once a certain number of upvotes is reached, admin approval is required before it becomes final)