
Is a great tool to improve your stubs tests. Inspired in FFaker, a great Ruby test feature, Fact bring the same experiênce to C# developers

Primary LanguageC#


Is a great tool to improve your stubs tests. Inspired in FFaker, a great Ruby test feature, Fact bring the same experiênce to C# developers


To install fact, run the following command in the Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package fact


discover all Fakers in Fact.Faker namespace

  var customer = new Customer
      Id = "build-test-01",
      Address = Faker.BR.AddressBR.Address,
      Email = Faker.Internet.Email("customer"),
      Name = Faker.Name.FullName,
      Site = Faker.Internet.HttpUri

Custom using Fakers

using Fact.Factory;
using Fact.Tests.Domain.Model;

namespace Fact.Tests.Factory
    internal class CustomerFactory
        public static void Build()
            var customer = new Customer
                Id = "build-test-01",
                Address = Faker.BR.AddressBR.Address,
                Email = Faker.Internet.Email("customer"),
                Name = Faker.Name.FullName,
                Site = Faker.Internet.HttpUri

            var customer_without_email = new Customer
                Id = "build-test-02",
                Address = Faker.BR.AddressBR.Address,
                Name = Faker.Name.FullName,
                Site = Faker.Internet.HttpUri

            Builder.Current.Set("without email", customer_without_email);


namespace Fact.Tests
    internal class FactInitializer
        public void Before()

        public void Down()


using Fact.Factory;

namespace Fact.Tests.Unity.Domain.Model
    public class BuilderTests
        public void BuildDeCustumer()
            var customer = Builder.Current.Build<Customer>();
            var customerWithoutEmail = Builder.Current.Build<Customer>("without email");
            Assert.AreEqual("build-test-01", customer.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("build-test-02", customerWithoutEmail.Id);