A basic questionnaire site using Rails Api with React and Redux and using create-react-app
With the following core features:
- Creating a questionnaire
- Answering a questionnaire
- Admin page to see responses to questionnaires created (but only the questionnaires created by the user currently logged in)
- Language: Ruby, JavaScript
- Framework: Rails, React with Redux
- Database: Active Record, PostgreSQL
- Testing: Rspec, Jest, Enzyme
- Other: foreman, knock, jwt, bcrypt, Bootstrap, axios, react-router, react-router-redux, redux-form, redux-thunk, factory_girl_rails, shoulda-matchers, faker, database_cleaner, create-rails-app
- versions
- Ruby 2.4.1
- Rails 5.1.3
- node 6.11
- On command line in root folder
bundle install
cd && yarn
cd ..
- Create database and seed data
rake db:create db:migrate db:seed
- run both the server and the client
rake start
- http://localhost:3000/ for site
- http://localhost:3001/api for api
- Rails test in root folder
- React tests
cd client && yarn test
- Need to signup or login to answer and create questions and see responses
- After seeding there are two users already:
username: admin
password: password
username: user
password: password
- Admin pages only show questionnaires the currently logged in user created
- A user can answer a questionnaire as many times as they want, but only one set of answers will appear (this is a bug I need to fix since the answers get saved in the database, I need to put a front-end validation to stop users accessing that questionnaire again)