
Honey UI Kotlin's animation and commonly used tools

Primary LanguageKotlin

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Honey UI

Full use of Koltin to achieve good-looking animated tools, authoring tools, coroutine tools, and other commonly used attributes of the extension tool. Kotlin completely drawn animated emoticons and placeholder

HoneyUI consists of several parts:

  • Honey View Animation
  • Common property extensions
  • Honey Design Font
  • Convenient interface operation tool
  • Emoji & Animation View with OnDraw - by Rita
  • SvgToPath Util
  • Convenient licensing management tools

More convenient and easy to use features constantly updated

Using HoneyUI

Add this in your Module Gradle

dependencies {
  compile 'com.blinnnk:honeyui:'

Current Version of HoneyUI

Honey Permission Util

Easy to check permission status

fun Activity.verifyMultiplePermission() {
    if (verifyMultiplePermissions(PermissionCategory.Write, PermissionCategory.Read)) {
        // Do Something

Easy to monitor the status of the authorization check

fun Activity.requestMultiplePermission() {
    requestPermissionListener(PermissionCategory.Camera, MorePermissions) { hasPermission ->
      if (hasPermission) {
        // Do Something
      } else {
        // Do Something

Honey GPS Util

Easy to get GPS China Location Without NetWork

fun Activity.getLocation() {
    getLocationListener {
        city, area ->
        // 北京, 朝阳

Convenient Util

Convenient and intuitive mode of operation

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
  args.isEmpty() isTrue { 
    "Do Something"
  } otherwise {
    "Do Another thing"
// return hold data "do something or another thing"

Honey Emoji View

Very Easy to use amazing and beautiful emoji view, These emoticons are drawn using ondraw brushes Save memory, high efficiency and moving

class MyLayout(context: Context) : LinearLayout(context) {
  init {
      val sobButton = HoneyEmojiButton(context, EmojiType.Sob) 
      val smileButton = HoneyEmojiButton(context, EmojiType.Smile)

IntelliJ IDEA project

If your project is not based on Gradle, just attach the required JARs from the jcenter repository as the library dependencies and that's it.