kayunga's Stars
GPL licenced Android Expense Tracking App
FitMe, an Android fitness app that generates workouts based on given user input
AP Calculus BC Project: Using machine learning (logistic regression) to diagnose breast cancer via digitized images of the tumor
Identify patients who have diabetes, based on diagnostic measurements. (Supervised Learning Task)
This application provides a new technique of casting votes using mobile phones. Android voting system is an application developed for android devices to deploy an easy and flexible way of casting votes anytime and from anywhere. Apart from that voter can also view candidate's profile, its promises etc.The application is especially developed for Institutes to get students vote for election in campus. One voter can only post one vote for a single post. At the end of the voting process the system counts the total votes and generates a brief report.
Machine learning Algorithms in multiple languages
the best web look and feel. / css design fremework