
Persian Analyzer For Elasticsearch

Persian Analyzer For Elasticsearch


ParsiAnalyzer is an analysis plugin for Elasticsearch. Analysis is a process that consists of the following steps:

  • Tokenizing a block of text into individual terms
  • Normalizing these terms into a standard form

An analyzer is really just a wrapper that combines Character filters, Tokenizer, and Token filters. Elasticsearch provides many Built-in Analyzers but there's still room for improvement especially for Persian language. This plugin provides tools for tokenizing, normalizing and stemming Persian text.

Key features

  • Tokenize Persian text

    • Convert whitespaces to zero width nonjoiner (نیم‌فاصله) whenever it is necessary. for example,می رود to می‌رود.
    • Convert Persian punctuations to their English equivalent. for example,۳/۱۴ to ۳.۱۴
    • Tokenize Persian text by whitespaces and punctuations.
  • Normalize Persian tokens into a single canonical form

    • Transform all forms of Yeh, Kaf, Heh, and Hamza to a unique form. for example,براي to برای.
    • Convert all Persian and Arabic numbers to their English equivalent. for example,۱۴۳ to 143.
    • Remove diacritic (اِعراب) from words. for example, اَرّه to اره.
    • Remove Kashida form words. for example, بادبــــــادک to بادبادک.
  • Remove common Persian stop words

    • Persian stop words like از, به and etc will be removed.
  • Stem Persian words

    • Remove common Persian suffixes. for example, ها or ان.


To install the plugin for Elasticsearch 8.13.4, run this command:

bin\elasticsearch-plugin install file:///path/to/ParsiAnalyzer.zip


If you want to build ParsiAnalyzer for any specific version of Elasticsearch, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you've installed JDK and Maven on your computer
  2. Clone project from https://github.com/NarimanN2/ParsiAnalyzer.git
  3. Open pom.xml
  4. Under dependencies tag, change Elasticsearch version to your desired version
  5. Open plugin-descriptor.properties
  6. Change elasticsearch.version to your desired version
  7. Build and Run maven project with Goals package
  8. In the target/releases folder, you’ll now find a zip file. install the plugin using this command: bashbin/elasticsearch-plugin install file:///path/to/ParsiAnalyzer.zip

The steps are as the following :

Note : for establish a ELK Stack, refer to my github

all commands are present at commands

Change Elasticsearch version to 8.13.4 :

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Build the project :

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the related packages appear after downloading :

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Run the app with goal of package :

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at final :

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the zip file is present at target/releases folder :

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Note: you can reach this file at release at my github.

upload zip file inside elasticsearch container :

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install the plugin for Elasticsearch 8.13.4 inside elasticsearch container :

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test the installed analyzer with kibana after restart the elasticsearch container, you can use Elasticsearch's analyze API :

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create your index with the analyzer, ParsiAnalyzer can be specified directly in the field mapping as follows :

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insert data to the index :

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search :

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get with analyzer :

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