
An http parallel downloader.

Primary LanguagePython


Scylla downloads files in parallel.
It is aimed at speeding up concurrent downloads, not at being as fast as possible per download.
There are probably a bunch of tools out there that are faster, as that is not scylas goal.
The reason scylla exists is because I had to repeatedly download a bunch of files and it took a while with wget.

It can be used from the command line or as importable module.
From the commandline it is quite easy to use:

kazaamjt@workstation:~$ scylla -f url_list -o artifacts/

Alternativly you can import the module from in a script.


Simply install using pip:

pip install scylla-http

CLI Options

As mentioned, the CLI is quite simple, it does not have many options:

kazaamjt@workstation:~$ scylla --help
Usage: scylla [OPTIONS]

  -f, --file TEXT               Path to a file containing urls.
  -o, --output-dir TEXT         Directory to store the retrieved files.
  -s, --max-concurrent INTEGER  Maximum number of simultanious files to
                                download. Setting this to 0 will make scylla
                                try to download all the files at once.
  --help                        Show this message and exit.

Using as a module

Using as a module is also not very difficult.
Do note that the module uses async, so it does have some gotchas.
Also note that the module is fully typed, hopefully making its usage easier.

To use it simply import the module and instantiate the Downloader class:

import asyncio
from pathlib import Path

import scylla

urls = [

async def main() -> None:
    downloader = Downloader(urls, Path("."))
    await downloader.start()

if __name__ == "__main__":

The most important gotcha here is making sure the downloader class is instantiated in the same event-loop as Downloader.start is called from.
We do this here by wrapping them in a single async function.

And that's it really.

The class has a couple more init parameters that are more for advanced usage:

- max_concurrent: int = 5  
  Same as the CLI, this changes the maximum number of downloads that run simultaniously.  
- chunk_report_cb: Optional[ChunkReportCallback] = None  
  The function passed to this parameter will be called everytime a chunk was succesfully downloaded and saved.  
  Usefull for tracking download progress.  
- report_done_cb: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None  
  The function passed to this parameter will be called everytime a download is completed.  
  The parameter being passed back is the name of the file.