
mock chat app

Primary LanguageJava

Hit Me

Just a mock of a chat application using an api with a static fake data, Caches the DB locallay using Realm

There should be a view with a conversations between the user and a "fake" friend
Messages from the endpoint: http://hitme-dev.us-west-2.elasticbeanstalk.com/api/all-messages should be included
The user should be able to write a message and have it displayed on a screen.
When the user posts a message, the app should reply within 5 seconds.
The app should support conversations with multiple friends
The app should persist (save) the conversations to disk so they can be retrieved when the app is restarted.

API Response sample

|{ "error": null, "statusCode": 200, "payload": [{ "sender": "Joey McClane", "messages": [{ "sender": "Joey McClane", "message": "Guess what happened to me?", "time_sent": 1478592000 }, { "sender": "user", "message": "OMG The most amazing thing happened today!", "time_sent": 1478592030 }, { "sender": "Joey McClane", "message": "I got a concussion", "time_sent": 1478592040 }, { "sender": "user", "message": "What?! How?", "time_sent": 1478592050 }, { "sender": "Joey McClane", "message": "A flower pot dropped on my head when I came to see you. What were you going to say?", "time_sent": 1478592090 }, { "sender": "user", "message": "I was going to say one of my mother's flower pots dropped on some guys head...", "time_sent": 1478592110 }] }, { "sender": "Dad", "messages": [{ "sender": "user", "message": "How do I get the girls to like me?", "time_sent": 1478590120 }, { "sender": "Dad", "message": "Dump a bucket of glitter on yourself and stand in the sunlight. They'll come running!", "time_sent": 1478590220 }, { "sender": "user", "message": "Wtf. Dad. no", "time_sent": 1478590259 }, { "sender": "Dad", "message": "Then grow a pair and talk to them.", "time_sent": 1478590350 }] }, { "sender": "Carol Popovich", "messages": [{ "sender": "user", "message": "Hey Carol. I'm in detention.", "time_sent": 1478572000 }, { "sender": "Carol Popovich", "message": "What?! Why?", "time_sent": 1478572302 }, { "sender": "user", "message": "In class my teacher pointed a ruler at me, and said, 'At the other end of this ruler is an idiot.'", "time_sent": 1478572774 }, { "sender": "Carol Popovich", "message": "And?", "time_sent": 1478572929 }, { "sender": "user", "message": "I asked him which end he was referring to.", "time_sent": 1478573501 }] }] }|
