- 4
No module named 'flowMC.sampler'
#181 opened by Felipe-4 - 9
Validating flowMC Results on Unlabeled Data
#177 opened by Qazalbash - 0
Bug in postprocessing script
#178 opened by Qazalbash - 1
Put example on colab
#109 opened by kazewong - 0
Implement flow matching
#175 opened by kazewong - 0
Refine strategy interface
#174 opened by kazewong - 1
Why do we have to pass data two times?
#173 opened by Qazalbash - 1
Lower precision training
#170 opened by kazewong - 0
Add probability floor to normalizing flow model
#165 opened by kazewong - 0
Update examples
#167 opened by ThibeauWouters - 2
[Fixed bug, but not in release] UnboundLocalError: local variable 'best_state' referenced before assignment
#166 opened by Qazalbash - 0
Implement optimization strategy
#163 opened by kazewong - 4
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: `dict` and `dict` in after flowMC-v3.0.0 release
#162 opened by Qazalbash - 0
Making sampler composable
#157 opened by kazewong - 0
Put training loop into NF class
#158 opened by kazewong - 3
Question regarding the data for the log-likelihood
#149 opened by Qazalbash - 0
Sampling from arrays
#142 opened by ColCarroll - 1
Put short examples in generated functions docs
#98 opened by kazewong - 0
Use scan to reduce NF compilation time
#153 opened by kazewong - 1
Clean up parameter names
#145 opened by kazewong - 0
Get rid of random_key_set
#144 opened by kazewong - 0
Add precommit script and fix formatting
#134 opened by kazewong - 1
Image of the function in tutorial
#139 opened by Qazalbash - 9
Question about integrating with bayeux
#141 opened by ColCarroll - 0
Ensemble training of normalizing flow
#140 opened by kazewong - 2
- 0
Add flow-HMC proposal
#136 opened by kazewong - 1
Global-local auto tune algorithm
#121 opened by kazewong - 0
Use jax.stage to do pre-compilation and cost analysis instead of the current solution
#135 opened by kazewong - 0
Lax scan recompile sampling loop everytime
#133 opened by kazewong - 0
Gradient clipping
#130 opened by kazewong - 0
Output thinning
#131 opened by kazewong - 1
- 1
- 2
- 2
Update dependencies version
#123 opened by kazewong - 0
- 0
Implementing Microcanonical HMC
#119 opened by kazewong - 0
Annealing of the target
#112 opened by kazewong - 0
Extending to RJMCMC
#117 opened by mhycheung - 0
Data batching
#110 opened by kazewong - 0
Precompile kernel
#111 opened by kazewong - 5
- 1
- 0
i-SiR iterated sampling importance resampling
#113 opened by kazewong - 0
- 0
Control verbose for thorough experiments
#103 opened by marylou-gabrie - 1
Save / restore sampler / learned state?
#105 opened by ahnitz - 2
- 1
Dependencies pinning
#94 opened by kazewong