:snake: Python port of Inquirer.js (A collection of common interactive command-line user interfaces)
- 0
We need to get this to Python-aswesome!
#83 opened by Day0Dreamer - 1
number() input starting value of 10
#75 opened by posen4u - 0
Detecting escape much slower than control+c
#73 opened by Lucas256-cmd - 0
PyPI version not up to date with main branch
#82 opened by bsteiger - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
Dynamic message
#67 opened by vict0rsch - 0
Can select size of border atribute?
#76 opened by z4yt0s - 2
Default Values in text() Prompts
#64 opened by Xevion - 0
Feature: Showing keybinding list in prompt
#72 opened by pykenny - 1
inquirer.select breaks asyncio operations
#71 opened by sxpmoore - 1
- 0
Support group exclusive selections in inquirer.checkbox and inquirer.select workflows.
#68 opened by pete312 - 0
Redraw the list after delete
#66 opened by wabiloo - 0
Allow value not in list (with fuzzy)
#63 opened by wabiloo - 1
- 2
"secret" is not exported from module
#60 opened by wabiloo - 0
How to test workflows involving InquirerPy?
#62 opened by MaxG87 - 2
Issue with installing in venv?
#59 opened by wabiloo - 0
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- 0
Fuzzy toggle keybind
#58 opened by efanibi25 - 0
Extra choice info for select/fuzzy
#55 opened by Gracecr - 0
clear my question+answer after answering
#54 opened by ReiDoBrega - 0
- 0
indent or submenu?
#49 opened by atar-axis - 1
Missing py.typed marker file for PEP 561
#45 opened by jonemo - 1
where is when for inquirer?
#47 opened by mr-ice - 1
Memory usage over time (many prompts)
#44 opened by robot3498712 - 1
- 1
Selected color
#43 opened by 9Samzer - 2
Dynamic change color choice name
#41 opened by arossert - 2
prompt() doesn't accept a dict of existing answers
#40 opened by irons - 2
Exceptions from class-based validators
#39 opened by irons - 2
FilePath (on Windows) doesn't autocomplete past the first directory using /
#32 opened by Pluckerpluck - 4
On windows I cannot scroll.
#38 opened by restockflippaz - 5
- 3
Examples fail - cannot find modules.
#36 opened by SolebaySharp - 2
- 1
Passing previous answers
#33 opened by Psychokiller1888 - 5
RuntimeError: This event loop is already running
#30 opened by corzani - 11
Cyclic import in select
#28 opened by TStrolia - 4
Feature: Add a toggle All option for checkbox
#29 opened by Akusem - 1
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- 6
checkbox icon display error
#22 opened by lythu95 - 0
[Bug] Promts with multiselect malfunction
#25 opened by ria02 - 0
Feature: self manage spacing option
#23 opened by kazhala