- 0
Tab completion not working
#40 opened by tudorjnu - 1
Enable both git and cmd completions
#37 opened by simone-viozzi - 3
- 1
- 8
File name is messed on fadd
#32 opened by denisjv - 0
- 2
- 1
- 2
Folder structure
#29 opened by SciPhys - 1
[BUG] Broken completion when specifying an alias
#26 opened by kylo252 - 4
`dotbare` without arguments fails
#23 opened by BachoSeven - 1
btw: now on awesome-dotfiles
#22 opened by jtagcat - 2
- 26
#1 opened by kazhala - 0
[BUG] dotbare finit -u URL checkout crashes if conflicted file is more than like 100 files
#12 opened by kazhala - 6
Packaging dotbare (for the AUR)
#15 opened by wallace11 - 2
[Feature request] Scrolling previews
#16 opened by wallace11 - 0
[BUG] dotbare fcheckout -s preview would break if selected files contain spaces
#14 opened by kazhala - 3
- 2
Feature request: ask how to handle the symlinks before adding them to the bare repo
#11 opened by kguidonimartins - 2
- 4
Ssh cloning support
#9 opened by BachoSeven