
Learn all JavaScript DOM related content in this repository.

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Learn all JavaScript DOM related content in this repository.

Whats is DOM?

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. The DOM represents the document as nodes and objects; that way, programming languages can interact with the page. The DOM represents the document as a tree of nodes and objects, where each node represents a part of the document, such as an element, attribute, or text node. The nodes are organized in a hierarchical structure, with the document node at the top, followed by the HTML element, and then the child nodes that represent the content of the page.

Course Outline.

  1. JS DOM Targeting Methods
  2. JS DOM Get & Set Value Methods
  3. JS DOM querySelectors
  4. JS DOM CSS Styling Methods
  5. JS addEventListener Method
  6. JS classList Methods
  7. JS parent Method
  8. JS Children Methods
  9. JS firstChild & lastChild Method
  10. JS nextSibling & prevSibling Method
  11. JS create & TextNode
  12. JS appendChild & insertBefore
  13. JS insert
  14. JS replaceChild & removeChild
  15. JS cloneNode
  16. JS Contains
  17. JS has
  18. JS isEqualNode


So this is the course outline of DOM that we will learn so don't forget to star my repository.