
Mock Puppy Spa Reciptionist App built using Flutter + Express.js + MongoDB


├── app - Flutter App
|   ├── lib
|       ├── common - Common config
|       ├── components - Reusable components
|       ├── models - Models of the main data classes used
|       ├── screens - Main screens the user will go thorugh
|       ├── service - Definitions for API calls
|       ├── main.dart
|   ├── .env
|   ├── pubspec.yaml
|   ├── * default folders *
├── server - Express.js Server Backend
|   ├── app
|       ├── controllers - Main Server logic to serve data to the API response
|       ├── helpers - Helper functions
|       ├── models - MongoDB Schemas
|       ├── routes - All api endpoints/routes
|   ├── config
|       ├── config.js - .env config import
|       ├── express.js - express.js server
|   ├── logger.js - global logger
|   ├── .env
|   ├── docker-compose.yml
|   ├── index.js
|   ├── package.json
